By Michael Killen of Sell Your Service
Who is this post for?
If you’ve got a blog, you have an opportunity to capture leads from it. By solving a very specific problem, you can capture email addresses to follow up later. We call these lightbulb moments, we’re going to show you how you can create them, and get leads from them.
By Michael Killen of Sell Your Service
Who is this post for?
If you’ve got a blog, you have an opportunity to capture leads from it. By solving a very specific problem, you can capture email addresses to follow up later. We call these lightbulb moments, we’re going to show you how you can create them, and get leads from them.
Writing a blog is only half the battle. You need to get people to come to the blog and then give you their email address. Once you’ve got that email address, you can put them through your RESPONSE FUNNEL.
This post is going to talk about how you can start to capture more leads through your blog.
1. Offer readers something
You need to offer the readers of your blog, something that helps them out. They will happily provide an email address if you give them something in return. We call these LIGHTBULB MOMENTS. Whoever your customers are, they want help from you.
If you’re a shop, a salon, business coach, interior decorator, graphic designer. Whatever you do, you need to offer something that helps your customers.
It could be a cheat sheet, a report, a free session, a 5 step guide. Make something that adds value to your customer’s business or life and say you’ll give it to them in exchange for an email address. (one of my favourite websites) has got an awesome article on lead magnets (basically the same thing) here.
2. Use an email capture form
You might need a little help setting this up, but even Mailchimp offers free signup forms and redirects.
If you use WordPress, check out Gravity Forms
If you insert a lead capture form in your blog posts, talk about the LIGHTBULB MOMENTS and direct people to them, you’ll capture more leads.
Once you’ve got a name and an email address, you can deliver the LIGHTBULB MOMENTS, either with a redirect or an email, and boom. You’ve got a lead.
3. Follow up and offer more value
Make sure you’ve got an email event or journey planned out. There’s nothing worse that either receiving too much or too few follow ups from a company you’ve subscribed to.
The first thing I like to do is send an email a day later and make sure they got to the LIGHTBULB MOMENTS download. Send a couple of links, make the email very personal.
After that, you know the problems they’re trying to solve. They downloaded a particular solution from you for that problem. So send them something else that’ll help with that problem.
It’s hard work and can get complicated, but by offering a more tailored approach to each lead, you’ll spend less time on ever subscriber and more time on people who are willing to buy.
Around now you’ll need to start talking to an expert. Someone like me frankly. Anyone can throw in a capture form, but it takes a little strategy to make sure you’ll get a return from it.
4. Update customers and subscribers
The easiest way to do update your list, is with a newsletter. I hate the term personally, but you need to keep your subscribers informed.
Tell them about new products, tell them about the latest news. Give them information that’s going to help them.
It’s WAY more important to give them information that they’ll use, rather than just pump out emails every week for the sake of it.
What about collecting 100 email addresses (much easier than you think) and offering an ebook or a webinar. How about offering to call them up and talk to them about how you can help.
This really is the beginning of the sales process. How do you start to engage with your customers. Are you offering deals, discounts, promotions? Map it out, talk to me and start a strategy.
5. Have a goal
This might be the most important point. You need to have a goal. Even if it’s small like ‘grow my list by 100 people’ or ‘sell ONE product through my blog’.
You need to address each action you take with “does this get me closer to my goal?”
Start with just growing you list. Then think about something that you can offer them
That’s about it! Now that you’re capturing leads, we need to think about the follow up procedure. Which we will we going through next week.
In the meantime, grab the free download below. The template is going to help you EXPLODE your lead capture through your blog.