Training: How to create a killer training video

Here’s one of the fastest methods of selling more marketing funnel projects to customers. I’m going to show you everything you need to know about converting visitors into subscribers and leads, leads into sales and increase the trust and authority that your audience see in you.

We’re going to do this by creating a training video. Something which you should be doing as often as you can for your audience.

Before we start, we’ve got a PowerPoint slide deck which you can download here. It’s a template which covers all the points we’ve got below and you can fill in the blanks in order to create your own training FAST.

We’re constantly being told to create content. That’s not strictly true, as what we MEAN is you should be creating helpful, useful and valuable content for your audience.

Anyone can bosh out 500 words of garbage every day. But we’re really in the business of HELPING people. You should be helping people every single day. Simple as that.

The problem is that it’s hard to consistently produce helpful content. At a minimum, you should be helping people every week. Ideally every day.

Training videos help us increase the trust our audience sees in us. They’re more likely to see us as helpful and come back for more. It works at any stage of the sales cycle. Helping people sign up and subscribe, or convert to a sale.

Training can be sold, it can be free or it can be a part of a wider product. Once you start to produce useful and helpful guides on EVERYTHING in your business, you’ll show that you are the only person your audience should be talking to.


You don’t need expensive video software or editing

It’s worth noting, that video training doesn’t require expensive audio, video and editing software. Hell, you don’t even need a webcam.

Now in an ideal world, we’ll have your face somewhere, either as a webcam view or in the training somewhere people can see you.

Camtasia is a great piece of software for all types of training videos. We’ve also used Movavi. In fact lots of our training in done with Zoom and presented as a webinar while recording and saving

Remember, if you want to get started FAST and make it easier for yourself, use our template here and download our PowerPoint slide deck. It’s an entire template which follows the outline we’re going to give you below.

The most useful content you can produce

Training is useful to produce because it covers SO many of the needs within our business.

For example, producing one training video can give you something that you can send to customers. If you’re thinking “my customers don’t want training, they won’t watch it”, then what you’re teaching isn’t that useful. Simple as that.

If you don’t think it would be useful for your customers, then why would anyone else watch it? Like I mentioned above, you have to be useful, helpful and valuable. If you’re none of those things, your training won’t be useful, valuable or helpful either.

What do your customers want help with?

A note on expertise

I believe that your business should be helpful TO your audience, not ON a particular topic. For example, if our audience is gym coaches, I want to helpful to them. Not just knowledgeable on marketing funnels.

To that end, don’t restrict yourself to training which only you can provide. If you audience needs help on finance, purchasing, design or anything else, try to find experts and partner with them to produce useful training.

Once it’s produced and recorded, we can send it to and get it transcribed. Now we have a written blog post to accompany the video training.

You can use the blog post as a traffic driver, then offer the training video and resources as a lead magnet. Driving up subscriptions and leads.

Finally, content doesn’t degrade. Meaning you can send this same training to new leads and email subscribers from other topics. For example, if you’re teaching your customers how to write an email newsletter, you can send that training to all your subscribers who have opted-in to other topics.

Training to your customers WILL help you sell more funnels. Let’s see how we can create a training video FAST and easily. Making sure it’s as impactful and useful as possible.

Remember that we have our video training slide deck, as an editable PowerPoint template here. You can download it and access it for free here.

1. Start with the win

Let’s think about what your customers and audience want help with.

Do they want more customers? Do they want larger social media followings? Do they want more sales from email marketing?

What is the “win” which they want, that you can help with? For example, if you build funnels for gym and fitness coaches, do those coaches want more customers or more income per customer?

This is CRITICAL. It has to be a win that they WANT. Even if you think it’s something they need, they won’t buy unless they want it. Simple as that. It has to be a win that they are struggling to get or struggling to figure out.

If you can provide clarity on HOW to reach that win, you’re already putting yourself ahead of your competition.

Here’s another killer point. Focus on the result and benefit that you customers want. Where do they WANT to be? We’ll cover problems and roadblocks next.

What we want is a positive win which will transform the lives of your customers. Something which will make them thank you for producing the training.

So what’s the WIN which your customers want and are looking to achieve? Bearing in mind we’re doing training. So we might not be able to cover EVERYTHING, but we can start them on the journey to clarity and getting results.

For example, if someone wants to run a marathon person best time. A free training video probably isn’t going to cover that. A course might, but that’s another lesson. So what are the wins which we can realistically help someone with? Maybe it’s just an introduction or overview or maybe it’s a guide on creating a training plan.

2. Problem you’re solving

Now let’s look at the problem we’re solving. What’s the roadblock that we’re helping overcome?

For example, many businesses want a “win”, but there is often something standing in their way. It could be a lack of experience or knowledge. Or it could be something they have to fix first. Like a broken email sequence or no sales pages.

On the other hand, what is the consequence of them never achieving this win? What is going to be worse about their life if they don’t reach that goal?

For example, if I never train to get a PB in a marathon, I’m never going to get faster and I’ll always be wondering “what if…?”

What we’re trying to do is shine a light on something they recognise. Notice that we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. Unless you’re a celebrity in your market, people don’t care about who you are until you can help them.

What we’re doing is showing them that we understand their wants, world, goals and problems in order to demonstrate that we a) care about them and b) can help them with our knowledge and authority.

What is the problem you’re solving for your customer? This is probably the focus of the training as we really teach people ways of overcoming problems, rather than pathways to wins.

3. Old way of doing it

Here’s a killer part of the training which will answer most objections your customers have. Often, during training, many people will think “yeah I’ve tried this before and it didn’t work”.

What we’re going to show is that we KNOW they’ve tried stuff in the past but it didn’t work. We’re going to be one step ahead of them.

What is the most common, old way of solving this problem?

For example, if my gym and coaching customer want more sales, they used to advertise in magazines and hand our cards at the gym. This just doesn’t work. The returns are low for the investment and it doesn’t scale. Business cards don’t work.

If we explain that the old way of doing things doesn’t work, why it doesn’t work and that you’re going to change that, your audience will be hooked.

Another way to think about it is a common myth about solving the problem. What’s something which many people believe, but that isn’t true?

Explain the old way or the myth that follows this problem and show that you’re NOT going to be covering stuff like this.

4. About you

Finally, this is where we explain who you are. The most common mistake people make when introducing themselves is that they do it first. Don’t do this. People just don’t care who you are.

Not until you’ve shown them that you can help them. Then they want to know who you are.

So when we do introduce ourselves, don’t make the second most common mistake, which is covering too much.

Focus on one win that you’ve got. Something cool which separates you from your competition. It doesn’t have to be “I sold my business for $10 million”, it could be as simple as “I got 1000 visitors to a blog post in 24 hours for free”.

Try to keep it relevant to what you’re training. It’s cool that you climbed Kilimanjaro, but probably not relevant if you’re teaching people about email marketing.

Also, what’s the catalyst that brought you here? Why do you do this? Why do you want to help?

Lots of times, it’s because we don’t like what we see in the market. Or we thought we could do better. I know that I started because I lost my job and didn’t want to work for anyone else.

5. Knife twist

What’s the final nail in the coffin or knife twist which will keep them hooked? Try to finish the sentence “and to top it all off…”

This is usually another roadblock or a problem which will limit their progress. Something that they’ve tried or seen before and is going to set them back.

For example, if we’re selling marketing funnels to gym coaches and they want more customers, we might teach them about social marketing. But to top it all off…sometimes your new leads won’t even turn up and you have to learn to KEEP your current customers.

What’s the other thing which you can help them with? This is usually an “aha” moment for your audience. They’ll take a look and think “yeah, this person knows what they’re talking about”.

6. 5 – 7 learning points

Now we get to the actual meat of the video. The teaching points.

You don’t need to cover more than 5 – 7 learning points. You can even boil it down to 3 if you’re going into more detail.

Practical and pragmatic steps work best. We usually have covered the theory in the build up to this section.

Each learning point needs its own slide. We want to teach one key takeaway per slide.

What are the 5 – 7 key learning points that you’re going to help them with? I find it’s really helpful to have a worksheet or guide that they can print out and follow. It doesn’t have to be complex, even just a checklist.

But the more you can train someone to DO something, the better the results. Theory is fine, but asking them to complete an exercise is a million times more effective.

In an ideal world, if we have a checklist or worksheet on social marketing for gym coaches, we’ll have 5 – 7 exercises or activities which they can follow.

It doesn’t have to be like that though. You can easily cover 5 – 7 “truth bombs” and knowledge points which educate and help them. We just want to provide clarity on something they need.

You can either focus on the sequential steps needed to get the win in step 1. Or cover the truth and knowledge over 5 – 7 areas.

For example, if we had a worksheet, for social marketing for gym coaches, we might teach them to find more customers with social marketing. The steps would be.

  1. Where are your customers online?
  2. Do you have a social presence there?
  3. Share a useful piece of content to that audience
  4. Capture their email address
  5. Start a conversation in your inbox
  6. Don’t chase, just help them
  7. Ask them for a call or to come in

These 7 points are just the steps that we would follow to get more sales from social marketing.

What are the steps that your audience need to take in order to solve their problem and reach a win?

7. Objection covering

More often than not, we’ll start to see or hear objections from our audience at this point. Why? Because even if it’s useful content and helpful, the human brain is designed to reject new information, particularly if it sounds like hard work. We’re designed to converse energy and objections are how we display this.

This isn’t the customer saying they don’t want to do the thing. They would just turn off the video or say no. This is the first stage of them accepting the new idea. But it’s scary doing new things, so they want to know it’s safe.

An objection is usually phrased like “yes that’s all fine, but what about…?”

It’s the most common question you hear after talking to a customer.

Yeah but my nephew told me that I can build my own website.

Yeah but I’ve tried social marketing before and it didn’t work.

Yeah but I don’t have the money to invest in this.

All of those are objections. When we hear objections like this, we can feel a little defensive. But the truth is that they WANT to buy from you, otherwise they’d just say no.

What they’re actually saying is “I want to buy from you but the fear part of my lizard brain hasn’t been satisfied. So rather than talk to you about it, I’m saying something that makes me sound like I know what I’m talking about”

This isn’t having a go at them, it’s just a reaction to them realising they want to buy. What they’re asking you is “Can you help me through this?”

You should respond with FEEL, FELT, FOUND. It’ll show that you’re listening, that lots of people feel the same way, but that you’re the right solution.

We display the most common objection on the slide and follow it up with us turning the objection.

“Now lots of people often tell me, that they’ve tried social marketing before and it didn’t work. I totally understand how you feel. Lots of gym coaches we’ve worked with have felt the same thing. But what we’ve found is that if you measure your social output, manage the budget correctly and make sure it’s part of a larger system, you can find customers sustainably.”

I totally understand how you FEEL.

Lots of customers FELT the same way.

What we FOUND is….(finish with a few key points to turn them around).

What is the most common objection you hear or question you’ll face from your audience? Answer it and turn that objection.

8. Next steps

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, what are the next steps that your audience needs to take?

Don’t leave it vague, be super specific and explicit in your next steps.

If you want, wrap up with a summary and cover a high level of the steps you’ve outlined. Go over the titles of the slides and take them through their objection again quickly.

Then show them what they can do now and the problem you’ve solved for them.

Finally, tell them exactly what they need to do in order to get those results faster.

“Look, if you’re a gym coach who is SERIOUS about finding more customers, you need to talk to us/buy our accelerator training/ buy the book/ sign up to the free course/ download the worksheet.”

Make it extremely obvious and explicit what they should do next in order to continue the momentum you’ve given them.

What can you do next in order to continue helping them? Tell them what that is and make it obvious they should do it.

Remember, if you want the PowerPoint slide deck that accompanies this blog post you can download it here.

Become an authority

So we’ve covered how we can create killer, epic training content which positions you as an authority in your field.

Training videos help you move customers through the sales cycle and funnel. They’ll increase the trust that customer sees in you. Training videos and helpful content will position you FASTER than any other activity. But only if you do it regularly and promote it.

If you’ve produced training in the past, and it hasn’t got you anywhere. I know how you feel. I used to feel the same way.

But what I found is that a) I wasn’t spending enough energy PROMOTING and sharing that training and b) my calls to action/ next steps weren’t clear enough.

So we’ve looked at how you can solve a problem and get a win for your audience. We tell them the win that they’ll get and the problem we’ll solve.

We’ve covered off what the old way was that isn’t as effective and the knife twist which often puts people off.

We give 5 – 7 learning points and steps to solve their problem. Pragmatic steps that will help them win.

Covering off an objection, to help them move past the rejection stage of learning. Finishing with a summary and next step/ call to action (CTA).

Have you produced training before for your customers? I’d love to see it! Post a link in the comments below. Are you going to try your hand at some training now? What was the most useful point in this post? Let me know in the comments below.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.