If you want to help your customers make sales through their website or marketing funnel, you need to read this post. In this post, I’m going to talk through the 8 different types of sales pages that your marketing funnels need, in order to dominate a market.
Imagine knowing that you were increasing every chance of a sales conversion for a customer. What if you could 8x the sales potential of a product or service, for one of your marketing funnel customers?
If one sales page was converting at 5%, increasing the number of sales pages and the types of sales pages could double, triple or even 8x your sales conversions.
For a $100 sale, that’s an increase of up to $800 (and maybe even more).
You’ll be able charge higher prices because you’re adding massive value to your customers and their businesses. A marketing funnel builder than can create sales on automation, especially with such high conversion rates, is a valuable service to any business.
I’ve written your sales page for you (for free)
In order to help you get as much from this blog post as possible, I have written a sales page template for you. I wanted to help marketing funnel builders as much as possible with this post, so I’ve decided to give away my sales page template as a companion to this guide. You can download the sales page template below.
It gives you the exact checklist you need for every sales page AND I’ve pre-written an example sales letter, for you to use as the content.
What we find is that for every sales page and for each of the sales pages examples below, we can create one piece of content (a sales letter) and restructure and repurpose the written copy into other formats.
Sometimes, one sales page won’t resonate with a customer or reader, so we create multiple types of sales pages, so we can hit different hot points.
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Harry’s software
“There’s no way our customers will give us 90 minutes.”
Harry* is a customer of mine, who builds software for financial tech businesses. Specifically, the legal department within a financial tech business.
His software allows businesses to communicate securely and safely, with very large quantities of sensitive data.
It was a fairly complicated sales process, with the IT department setting up the software, the board of directors signing off the purchase, finance buying the licenses and the legal team and their customers using the software.
My initial suggestion was to use a series of training webinars to pitch the software to everyone involved. Use a short presentation to book calls and then use a presentation in person to close the sale.
Harry’s software ran at $1000 per year, per license. For businesses with over 10 staff, the investment could be sizeable. But compared to the pain of data breaches, security flaws and fines and penalties, the investment was seen as reasonable.
The product sold well, but Harry was making all the pitches in person himself. His audience was very well defined and he had a decent network. The problem was that he was trying to make all the sales and calls himself.
This is a common problem, the problem of scale. So I suggested a 90 minute webinar in order to sell the product, then Harry could get others to close the deals in person.
“They’re not going to give us 90 minutes Mike. These guys charge $1000+ per hour. Besides, I can’t pitch to everyone all at once. It’s a process that means each person needs a different message.”
After another round of discovery sessions and consulting, I better understood Harry’s pitch. He was making sales and he did very little “marketing”.
All his sales came from referrals, his network and 3 separate meetings. One meeting with the board, one with IT and one with the lawyers. The purchasing decision, while carried out by purchasing, was really up to the head of IT and the head of legal.
So his job, was to book meetings with those two heads above all else.
This is where our multiple sales page process came in. Rather than try to pitch to all the heads of departments, the departments themselves AND the board of directors, we’d instead structure different messages to each person and micro-target the reader.
While it sounds very complicated, Harry was surprised at just how simple the process really was. We took what each type of reader would connect with and created a sales page for them. We also asked the heads of departments from previous customers to send “their” sales page, to their network.
Wouldn’t you know, that lawyers know other lawyers and IT heads know other IT heads!?
Horses for courses
Most funnel builders will need to build sales pages for their customers at some point. The difficulty lies in knowing the type of sales page to use and when.
In Harry’s example above, we sent different types of sales pages to different readers. But it could be that you use all 8 sales pages for one reader.
In the example above, Harry’s customers were all very different types of people. The IT department liked features, details and case studies. They want to see how easy it is to use and install and maintain.
The legal department wanted to know how to protect their business and their assets. They want stories of how it’ll help them and how it’s helped others.
The heads of departments are short on time, but want to empower their team to do their job. The want to give autonomy to their teams. They want to know the process of buying and using and how it affects the business.
On the other hand, you might be selling one product for a customer, but just one sales page isn’t doing enough. It might be that you want to provide a range of sales messages to different people, at different stages in their customer journey.
For example, if your customer sells courses or coaching, their customers might benefit from a long form sales letter and a video and a product page.
But rather than dump all that on one person at once, we can break the sales process up into stages and offer a variety of ways to buy and convert.
If you’re not making sales – stop adding features and stop creating products. Use what you’ve got already and create more sales messages for it.
Typically, when we want to create more sales messages, we hit the massive roadblock of content. Customers struggle to give us content at the best of times. Yet alone give it to us AGAIN when we want to create 8 more sales pages!
Multiply your content
Most funnel builders think that in order to create more sales pages, or sales messages, they need to find and create more content.
It’s as if writing one sales page requires 1000 words, so surely 8 sales pages requires 8000 words? In truth, we’ve found this to rarely be the case.
When Audi advertise their cars, do they change their wording every advert? Of course they don’t. Even the shorter versions of the advert, plus the super long version they put in cinemas before a film (captive audience you see), will use the same few phrases over and over.
In fact, long adverts often repeat the same 5 – 10 words over and over. Then combined with presenting the same advert 4 times per hour to the same viewer, and you can see how repetition is KEY!
Stop creating products
What most funnel builders will do, is think that in order to make more sales, you make more products.
The advice I see loads of marketing consultants, funnel builders and sales coaches give, is to create more products when you’re struggling to make sales.
This is financial suicide. Imagine a brick and mortar store, on a high street, that sells widgets. It doesn’t matter what the widget does, they just sell them.
It’s a fairly busy high street, with easy access to the shop and people walking past. The shop owner has 100 widgets in store, on the shelves and in the back. But every day, rather than attracting customers to walk in or talk to customers who are in the store, he focuses on making more widgets.
Doesn’t that sound insane? To continue making more products while he’s not even selling the one’s he’s got already?
Or how about, every week he doesn’t make a sale, he decides to start his products again. He removes all the products from the shelves and creates an even BETTER widget. This time it’s lighter and spins.
But he doesn’t make a sale that week either. So he clears his shelves and designs ANOTHER widget. That’s lightweight, spins and has LEDs on it.
Would he increase his chances of selling more products, by continuing to add to the product? Or does his sales funnel leak lie elsewhere?
Think about bringing people in the door. Or how much information he provides on the widgets. Does he offer a demonstration to new people visiting? How about a discount on a 2nd or 3rd widget? What about a discount for previous customers, or rewarding referrals?
How about creating leaflets and collateral on the widget and offering that to passers-by? What about video content on how it’ll make their life better, posted on their website, YouTube and social media?
What about offering an upgrade to another widget of they buy the first one? Or a subscription to a maintenance plan with user guide?
Typically, we find that we have to repeatedly position products to customers over and over, in order to help them see the benefit. It’s just human nature to ignore something for a time, until it becomes familiar.
Remember, if this all seems overwhelming, we’ve created a sales page template for you to download, for free {here}. It gives you the sales page checklist and a pre-written example of a sales letter to use as content.
The best product doesn’t always win
Businesses and your customers and looking to drive more sales from their current products. They want a process that works, and if you’re the agency that provides it to them, they’ll be using you as their main service provider.
There is an ENORMOUS opportunity for funnel builders and marketing funnel agencies, to create repeat sales automation funnels that drive more sales for current products. Imagine creating an increase in sales for a product, and then being asked to repeat that over and over for your customers!
Businesses that don’t adopt a multi-sales process to their messaging, WILL get left behind for flashy gimmicks.
What tends to happen, is that Business A tries to sell a product to their customers. Because they’re only using one sales page, they suffer from low sales. They repeat the process of attracting leads and traffic to that page, but their conversion rate never goes up. Leads and prospects that DON’T buy, might have the hot-point triggered, but the message doesn’t connect with them through that medium. Maybe it’s a long form sales letter and ½ people would rather watch a video?
So we’ve opened up a hot-point, but because the message doesn’t resonate, Business B has a video with a few flashy gimmicks that DOES appeal to the customer. Despite being a lesser quality product, Business B can close the sale for a fraction of the cost of converting new customers.
We see this all the time and it’s a real shame. The best product doesn’t always win, even if that isn’t fair. Businesses that spend more to acquire their customers win the sale.
Your customers could be losing out on sales they’ve been working on and paying for, simply because they don’t have a range of sales messages.
But when do you deliver them?
Right so you’re sold on the concept of creating multiple sales pages and messages. But when do you deliver them?
On top of all that, you also have to compete with our “attention economy” that requires you to position something more entertaining, informative or interesting than what they’re currently doing.
Even Facebook is admitting that their platform is procrastination and monkey-brained-dopamine heaven.
So it’s not a short list. Create more sales pages (content), with more sales messages (content) and sales page types (templates) in a way/time that suits the reader (interest).
Easy peasy. Why? Because you’re reading the definitive guide to creating 8 killer sales pages for your marketing funnels, that you can use and sell with customers.
The 8 types of sales pages your funnels need to DOMINATE a market
At a high level, we’re going to start with a new lead. Someone who has signed up to a newsletter, or you’ve gained their contact information, ideally an email address.
We’re going to create 8 sales pages that we send to them over time, or on automation, in order to increase sales. They might be pages that we send via email, or a page on the website. Depending on the traffic source and quality/warmth of the traffic, we might also send a different type of page
The basic funnel process is below.
We’ll be creating a series of pages that are essentially part of one funnel. At the top left, we start with a product page, which is a sales page on your website that regular website traffic can reach.
Along the top, we then have a series of sales pages sent to new email subscribers and leads. The first page, the “sales letter”, Is also a long form style blog post that people could reach via browsing the website.
If a new lead or subscriber signs up, after an initial warm up period and nurture sequence, we would start to send them a sales letter through to sales video, hero page, over one page and offer page.
They are sent over time, spaced out in order to prevent blindness to the offer. The offer page is usually a discount or special deal which doesn’t have to be included in the automation.
After each sale from a sales page they are immediately redirected to an upsell page. If they don’t take the upsell, they are redirected to a down sell page. This gives us our eight sales pages.
Remember, I’ve written your basic sales page with a checklist and example sales letter for you to download free here.
Now let’s get into each sales letter.
1. Sales letter
What is it?
A sales letter is very basically a longform written piece of content not that dissimilar to a blog post. It’s fairly light on formatting and images. Sales letters online appeared very early on and have been used as far back as newspapers, popularised by David Ogilvy. They are longform written pieces of content that explain the problem to the reader, while taking them through a solution and positioning an offer to them at the end.
Sales letters are the foundational piece of content for many of the sales pages. They are very quick to publish, quick to write and convert very highly considering the lack of styling and design around them. Sales letters are one of my favourite ways to position products to clients. I love them because they force you to explain the problem in a way that doesn’t rely on video, images or anything complicated.
In theory a good sales letter could be sent written up and printed on paper via the mail to your customers and still convert at the same rate.
While this page looks incredibly basic and is barely formatted or designed, it converts incredibly well. Why? Because it tells a long form story on how I generated $100,000 in 30 days, with 27 emails.
If you download the sales page {checklist and template}, you can see the similarities between the longform written copy. There are a few images, however we also have been testing a completely text only version of this sales letter which converts quite highly too.
Why this matters
Sales letter copy is at the core of creating all sales pages and sales campaigns. The ability to grab someone’s attention, pique their interest, play to their desires and generate an action (AIDA), is a vital communication skill with all marketers.
Marketers like to pooh-pooh sales. When really, good copywriting is the difference between making a sale and losing a customer. If you can write compelling long form sales letters and generate conversions just from written text, you have an unstoppable business that can scale almost infinitely.
Key point
The key point to remember when writing sales letters is to stick to the template and write compelling copy from your heart. As insane as this sounds, emotional copywriting when writing your sales letters will convert much better than cold, emotionless writing.
The basic structure to a sales letter introduces a problem and makes a promise to the reader. It then goes through what’s changing in the environment, the consequences of not addressing those changes and then a little bit about you or the business before explaining the solution. We then add order buttons or other CTA’s throughout the letter.
Where to use it
I’m a huge fan of having a long form written sales letter as a blog post, searchable via your blog and posting it by social media including with call to action links. But you can also send it to customers as one of the first sales automation emails they’ll receive after being nurtured.
Who resonates with it?
People that have connected with you and your business (or your customers) will want to read content written by you. If it’s compelling, commands attention and is interesting to read people will naturally take the time to read through the entire post. Sales letters like this, should be as valuable to read as free material and shouldn’t withhold anything.
2. Video sales letter
What is it?
Video sales letter is essentially taking your written copy sales letter, and recording a voice-over over a series of slides. Video sales letter DOES NOT have to be a flashy advert or with lots of animations and graphics.
In fact we found that displaying 10 to 15 words on the screen like subtitles with a voice-over, converts very highly when people are watching a sales letter as a video. We often position all our video sales letters as training videos, explaining how we can teach the viewer how to do something, while positioning and offer to make that “how to guide” faster.
In this page for the same $100k Email series, I explain to the viewer how I can create $100,000 in 30 days using my email series. You can see the pages pretty sparse with only a video a couple of call to action buttons and the highlights of the product written up below.
Why this matters
Video sales letters make fantastic thank you pages after initial subscribers and leads. It’s also great content to have on your YouTube channel, but I prefer to use Vimeo when I’m positioning sales letters to customers.
Video is one of the easiest methods to convey a message and hopefully you can see it’s essentially going against everything you’re taught as a presenter.
- Don’t use too much text on your slides.
- Don’t read out exactly the text on the slides.
However, what we are finding is that people like to watch the videos with the volume low OR they watch the video using the audio as a guide and reading the slides at their own speed. Our video sales letters can convert from anywhere between 15% to 20% depending on the audience.
Key point
The key point to remember is to strip your content back. The example page I gave above could even be a little content overkill. Make sure your call to action button doesn’t appear to early (like ours does above) and hold off from your fear of wanting to give too much away.
The structure is relatively simple I explain the title of the training or video. Then I put the video below with the ability to click pause and sometimes change the speed.
I want to reduce as many distractions as possible and don’t really have links to my Vimeo achannel or to any other pages. I’ll only make sure that the buy now button appears at the appropriate time.
Where to use it
Record your slides and voice over using the same text on your other sales letters and drive traffic via emails from people who haven’t bought on the first sales letter.
Who resonates with it?
Some people just prefer video. YouTube, Wistia and Vimeo are all examples of businesses that understand people like watching video. The important thing to remember is that your videos don’t have to be complex or full of graphics. They can be voice-over slides.
3. Product sales page
What is it?
A product sales page is what I would deem as a standard web page design to sell a particular product.
Whereas our other pages have been stripped back text content or a video. A product sales page is designed with more formatting, images and other page templates that designers are accustomed to.
This is usually where I’ll direct browsers visiting the site and can be accessed without having to sign up.
Become a Certified Marketing Automation Funnel Specialist
Our flagship course on building marketing automation funnels with Beaver Builder and ActiveCampaign, has what I would class as a product sales page. It has plenty of content, leads someone through a journey and, as you can see, uses a basic sales letter template for the copywriting basis.
Why this matters
While marketing automation is incredibly important, it’s possible that some customers will want to browse your site and view your flagship products. This goes the same for your customers and your customer’s customers.
Product sales pages give a premium quality feel to a sale and a product. A well-designed product page can outline absolutely everything included in a product and make it feel like it exists outside of your marketing automation.
Key point
Get a designer. I can’t emphasise this enough. If you aren’t a designer and your customers want a product sales page hire a professional designer to design a well structured and laid out product sales page. You can use the content and copy from your written sales letter but add a lot more punch to it. Graphics, colours and images can add a huge amount of weight to your copy.
I structure my product sales pages in the same way as I would a sales letter. I tell the story from start to end, starting with a promise and problem moving through the opportunities and threats and consequences before introducing the solution and outlining the results they can get with the product.
Where to use it
Use it on the website and have it as a menu item in your menu. Offer it as a part of your product suite and try driving a little remarketing traffic to it.
Who resonates with it?
Many readers will be perfectly happy seeing your products positioned to them at the right time via email marketing. However it can help to make it feel like the product exists and sells by itself when you have it available as a page on your website. Accessible to anyone.
4. The overwhelm page
What is it?
And overwhelm page goes against everything we’re taught as copywriters, salespeople and marketers. It’s designed to show off absolutely everything that someone gets in their deal. It demonstrates the bonuses, resources and extras that someone gets when they buy.
It’s not suitable for all products but for many services and product offerings you can add massive value by telling the reader absolutely everything they get down to the most minute detail.
How To Sell Email Marketing To Your Customers
While only a short page, this $100,000 in 30 days email series page, puts out everything that the customer gets if they buy. It includes a video, the bonuses, a guarantee and lists what is included inside the product.
Why this matters
I quite like the overwhelm page and I often use something similar during my presentations. The idea is that you saturate the viewer or reader’s brain so much content that they can’t resist buying.
Key point
Use this type of page sparingly. It doesn’t mean that it has to be a 75,000 word sales letter. But outlining absolutely everything that the customer gets in the deal. Remember to use humour to break it up and make sure it’s not just a bullet pointed list which will bore the reader.
This is another example where your want to employ a designer if you’re not a designer yourself. We have an exercise in Sell Your Service Coaching whereby we list out all of the features, benefits and results that someone will get if they spend $25,000 with us.
We even wrote a blog post about it Which I suggest you read if you’d like to create an overwhelmed page. The idea is that we list out everything that someone would get if they spent money with us and how their life will be better.
Where to use it
I tend to send this after a short period between a sales letter and a video sales letter email. The idea is to confirm and make sure that the reader knows EVERYTHING they’re getting in the deal.
Who resonates with it?
Some of your customers or readers will just want to know exactly what they’re getting almost as a line-item series. This is the easiest way to deliver that information to them.
5. The hero story
What is it?
Hero story is a very personal journal or account, written as a sales letter that takes the reader through your journey. You are the hero, or it could be a fictional person that represents you.
The idea is that you talk through a situation where you had a problem new you need to make a difference, you realised an epiphany moment which caused you to demonstrate a great change within your business. Which is why you created the product. Hero stories don’t need to be long but we do find that anything under a thousand words tends not to pack the emotional punch that we’re going for.
Using the same example from our $100,000 email seriessales letter, the letter is designed to take the reader through a series of events that I went through before creating this product.
Ultimately, it tells a story and uses emotion as the vehicle for explaining how their lives can be better. At its core, I want people to connect with our hero.
Why this matters
Emotion sells. While people might say that “sex sells”. That’s only a fraction of the story. ALL emotion sells. Anger, desperation, fear, happiness, joy, ecstasy, sex. These are all emotion that human beings feel, and are key to successful sales letters.
People resonate and connect with other people. You must tell human stories in order to make sales.
Key point
Right from the heart. Even without a structure or template to make sure that you commit to writing a story that tugs at their emotional heartstrings. Even people who claim to love logic and to always buy on logic are human beings and are as susceptible to emotional writing as anybody else (even if they can’t admit it).
Use the same structure as a sales letter (which you can use our template here) and write from the heart. Forget about the product and forget about the sale, write about your story that you went through. What problem did you encounter, what myth or old way did you encounter, what problem did you overcome and change?
Where to use it
I like to give a bit of a break, maybe 1 to 2 weeks before sending this letter. I leave and sometimes send it just as email copy without writing up as a full page (although I will often include links to that same letter as a page).
Send it after the initial message has worn off the prospect or lead subscriber, for people who haven’t bought. This is a chance for you to connect with the reader through an emotional story.
Who resonates with it?
All human beings resonate with the hero story. We connect with characters that we can identify with. If you can tell a story with the situation and problem that the reader can identify with, they are more likely to buy because they see themselves as someone who can solve that story and become the hero.
6. The limited offer
What is it?
The limited offer is one of the final pages in a sale series. It’s also often date or time based. I wouldn’t necessarily offer someone a discount just because they haven’t bought.
In fact, I’m more likely to offer a discount to someone who has bought in the past. Nothing angers me more than when I refused to buy something and I’m then offered a discount to try and get me to buy.
However, during certain times of the year such as holidays or events offering a discount or a bonus item and offer can have fantastic consequences.
Why this matters
I believe it’s important to reward your current customers rather than a reward new customers. Which is why I will often only position limited offers to people who have bought before.
However, if we are running an end of year promotion or we are looking to stop a service, it can help to bundle products together and sell them as a limited time offer.
Key point
The key thing to remember with limited offer sales pages, is that you need to have an “after page”. This means when you add a countdown timer saying that they offer will expire in 24 hours or at the end of the month for example, that when they reach the page they are redirected to an “after page”. An after page simply tells and they’ve missed the deal.
Your limited offer pages can be structured as a sales letter, a sales video or a product page. It’s entirely up to you how you structure your limited offer pages. But make sure that it’s clear that it is for a limited time only or you only have a few limited products available.
Where to use it
We’ll use limited offer pages during certain times of the year and to reward previous customers. Occasionally will run a deal where we are bundled to services together or our customers will want to include a product or service with another sale.
Who resonates with it?
Limited offers work because a) people love a deal and b) people are susceptible to scarcity. If you tell them that this offer is not available to everyone or forever, then will be more inclined to buy.
7. Upsell page
What is it?
An upsell page is one of the most underutilised pages available. The idea is that as soon as anyone buys a product, they should be redirected to an immediate upsell. An upsell is capitalising on their purchase by offering them another product or service which will help them get result even faster or easier.
Why this matters
Upsell’s matter because people have clearly already demonstrated enough trust in you to buy once. An example of an upsell would be if one of your customers was to sell barbecues and they buy one online, immediately redirect them to the coal or fuel the need for that barbecue. It’ll help them get the same results i.e. using a barbecue, but faster and easier.
Key point
The key point with upsells, is to make sure you’re allowing the viewer or customer to buy something and make it easy for them. If you’re selling guitar picks why not sell guitar strings? If you’re selling phone charges why no cell phone cases as well?
Upsella are nearly limitless And can easily add another Stream of revenue to your customers income.
We like to keep our upsell page is pretty simple. In fact we typically use a video sales letter style page for an immediate upsell redirect. THEN if they haven’t bought the upsell we will send them a similar series of sales pages for the upsell product like we did before with the initial product.
Where to use it
Use an upsell page immediately after someone purchases a product.
Who resonates with it?
Upsell pages work because they use the good feeling from the initial buy and capitalise on your ability to help people further. All you need to think about is “what would help someone even more after they buy this?”
8. Downsell page
What is it?
The downsell page is one of my favourite methods of converting people who DON’T want to buy. On all of our Upsell pages we will have a link that says something like “no thank you”. This is telling us or our clients that the customer does not want to buy the upsell.
However we will then redirect them to a page where we will often split up the payment for the upsell.
Let’s say for example we are selling a course for $1500,And when someone buys they are redirected to an upsell page. Maybe the upsell is for a $2000 piece of software that they can use with the new course.
If they click no thank you, they are redirected to a downsell page which explains to them that we have a payment plan of 10 payments of $200 for the exact same piece of software. What we’re doing is assuming the customer doesn’t want to buy right now, but is still interested in the product and we want to do everything we can to help them.
Why this matters
This is important because often when people don’t want to buy it simply an objectionrather than a full on NO. It might be that they don’t have the funds available right now or they weren’t planning on spending that kind of money today.
However if we take our idea of being obliged to help our customers, we want to do everything we can to help those customers. Therefore we are willing to split up the payments and offer the same product with a different payment structure in order to help them and serve them.
Key point
Keep thinking about serving your customers. Or keep telling your customers to serve their customers. Remember that every possible moment in order to change the way you think about sales and sales automation.
Again, we tend to use a video sales page approach for downsell pages. Lots of people like to put upsell page after upsell page (you can see on my YouTube channel I have some really bad encounters with up to 10 upsell pages), but I think one or two upsell pages is plenty.
Where to use it
Use downsell pages when someone clicks on a button saying they are not interested in your upsell.
Who resonates with it?
Down sale pages work because we are trying to address an objection rather than take the answer as a firm note. It might be that it’s simply the price or immediate upfront payment that they are unable to resonate with. Therefore we are doing everything we can to serve them and help them and get the product in their hands.
“Do I do this for every product?”
I understand that doing all of this for every single product in your customers suite sounds like a lot. However what we have found is that it forces our customers to focus down on a few core products. Remember above when we talked about how creating new products doesn’t necessarily lead to new sales?
We found that if this process works for one product and is profitable then they will often want to repeat it for new products.
Customers also think that having an e-commerce style store for their entire product or service catalogue means that customers will browse the products that are right for them. This simply isn’t the case anymore. We need to pre-empt their needs and wants and offer them products and services that seem appropriate at the time.
The sales letter
My absolute favourite sales page is the basic long form written sales letter. I’ll often find myself writing sales letters to clarify a business idea, or a new product idea. Writing the sales letter helps me understand what it is that I’m selling to my customers, if there is a market already and I can even presell products to them and test the market to see if it’s worthwhile creating a new product.
It’s also the easiest page to publish and share with customers in order to start making sales.
I’ve written your sales letter for you
Remember you can download our sales letter checklist in template with a prewritten sales letter for you to be able to follow along with this guide. Take your customers and run sales copy writing workshops with them to understand everything you can about their products and services before offering new sales pages and opportunities to them. You can download our template for free here and we’ll send you your checklist to your email.
*names have been changed