Why is it that a global vegan food chain hasn’t overtaken the likes of McDonald’s?
We’re constantly told to eat less meat for health and environmental reasons.
Yet, the absence of a vegan giant in the fast-food industry is puzzling.
It’s a classic case of wants versus needs.
Even with the clear benefits of vegetables, our desires often overrule.
Isn’t it challenging to sell against ingrained cravings, no matter the benefits?
The key to effective sales lies in aligning with what people want, not just what they need.
The reason is simple: people crave burgers, meat, cheese, salt, and sugar.
This is where the concept of selling futures, not features, comes into play.
It’s about tapping into the aspirational desires of your customers.
How can you align your product with the future your customer dreams of?
Sell the dream, the vision, the desired future – not just the tangible features.
Isn’t it time to reevaluate how you present your product or service?