- Filler content is just that. Filler. 1 killer video does better than 10 fillers.
- Everyone has insecurities and is unsure of what they’re doing – no one is an expert.
- A year is a short time to take off and learn and get better if it makes a 10 year career happen.
- Do things today that you’ll thank yourself for in a year.
- Sometimes things take a little longer to grow or hit your goals, but that doesn’t matter.
- Growth is made in the rest period – take more time off.
- There are no shortcuts – if you want to get good, you have to spend most of your time being bad and learning.
- Your value as a human being is not tied to your achievements – we’re taught that it is and that’s a recipe for unhappiness.
- You already know what you need to do next, you’re either just not listening or you’re ignoring it for another reason.
- Fear and uncomfortableness and your limits are where your next goal and growth is