These 27 questions are FUNDAMENTAL if you want to close more clients. If you don’t know the answer to these then you need to find them.
- What’s the #1 reason someone would work with you, over your competitor?
- What’s the #1 reason someone would work with you rather than do it themselves?
- Who or what is your target market?
- What’s their biggest headache currently?
- What is the #1 result that your audience is looking to improve?
- What report or dashboard do they use to measure their success/growth?
- Does the work you do impact that report or dashboard?
- What keeps your clients awake at night?
- What have they tried before to fix this problem?
- Why hasn’t that worked?
- What is their daily life like with that problem?
- Is that problem costing them $25,000 or more?
- What number do they want to go up or down in the next 30 days?
- Would they pay $25,000 to see that number go up?
- How big would the result need to be to justify a $25,000 price?
- How do your clients make money?
- How do you make money? (Thanks Jake).
- What do they think is causing this problem?
- What’s actually causing it?
- What common objections do your clients have before working with you?
- How quickly can they see results?
- What would a client need to have already, for you to get paid after they see results?
- What is your process for getting this result in a certain timeframe?
- What is your ideal client?
- What does their dream result look like?
- What’s the long term goal of your client?
- Who do they look up to?