1. Decide how much money you want/need to make
2. Divide that number by $25,000. That’s how many clients you need
3. Define a specific group of people that you’re going to help
4. They need 3 things: 1. To be able to afford you, 2. You can get them great results and 3. You like them. Ideally, they have 4. which is, they refer people
5. List out your groups biggest problems
6. What is the #1 thing that your chosen client measures their success by? Clients? Sales? Referrals? Reviews? This is your currency
7. Choose a number of that currency and a timeframe that would be worth $25,000
8. LITMUS TEST: Do they have $25,000 (or $2000 a month) to spend to get X number of [currency] by x timescale and would it be worth that money to them?
If not, start again
9. Fire your low performing clients – don’t work with deadbeats. They have to be able to afford you
10. What would your ideal client need to have already (in terms of list size, product sales, audience, team, locations, revenue, ad spend etc.) for you to IN THEORY work with them for free and only get paid after they get results? What would a client need to have in order for you to think this would be the easiest project in history?
11. What are the first three things you’d do to help that client get results?
12. Create a list of all the communities and places where these clients hang out. Who do they look up to? Where do they post online? Who do they follow? Books, events, podcasts, YouTubers, Facebook groups, LinkedIn, forums, retreats, software
13. Create a list of all the businesses who also serve that market: competitors, software, insurance, accounting, coaches, real estate, brokers, hardware, tech,
14. LITMUS TEST: Can you find at least 3 (ideally 5) communities where your ideal clients hang out? Do they have over 1000 people in each? Can you find at least 5 businesses who target the same market? If not – start again
15. Create a simple, specific and compelling offer using your currency, chosen audience, top problems and first three steps
16. Connect with those communities and groups, build a following online and post that you can help – use your offer/currency
17. Qualify qualify qualify – make people jump through hoops and check that they have everything you listed in stage 10
18. Get on a call, ask questions and uncover their individual problems, goals, desires, roadblocks and mistakes
19. Ask them if they want help
20. Take a $2000 deposit, set up weekly calls and work through your steps