If you want to close more sales while feeling authentic and natural, there’s one powerful indicator that your approach is working: the customer says, “I’d like to work with you.”
The key is getting them to come to you, rather than you chasing them down.
And the simplest way to do that? Keep asking questions.
Start by asking them, “What are your biggest headaches right now?”
Let them spill all their problems onto the table.
They might say, “We’re not generating enough leads,” or “My team isn’t working well,” or “My competition is overwhelming me.”
Whatever it is, just agree with them. Say, “Yeah, that sounds like a lot.”
Then ask, “What’s the priority?”
They’ll give you a list of issues, but help them narrow it down to the one thing that’s really pressing.
Maybe they’ll say, “We’re not making enough profit.”
Great. Now ask, “Why is that the priority?”
Dig into why that specific problem matters.
Keep going deeper.
They might say, “We need more profit because I want to expand the business.”
“Why is expanding the business important to you?”
Maybe they’ll say, “Because I want to leave something for my kids.”
Now you’ve gone from a long list of problems to something deeply personal and meaningful.
At this point, flip the conversation and ask about their goals.
“What do you want to achieve?”
Go through the same process—keep asking “Why is that important?” and “What’s the priority?”
Finally, ask them, “What have you tried before? What didn’t work?”
This will give you a clear picture of their biggest challenge, their main goal, and the gap between the two.
And then comes the most powerful question you can ask:
“Would you like some help with this?”
If they say yes, you’ve already won—you can start closing the sale right there.