- Most of you need to spend way way more time thinking about the audience and what they want
- Spend lots of time crafting a killer offer that’s valuable, exciting and useful for them
- Most of your time should be spent researching and talking to your audience
- Then you should spend more time thinking of amazing offers and problems to solve
- Then you should be spending most of your time qualifying your audience and traffic
- Funnel building, selling, closing and delivery should be less than 25% combined
- Create a social media accounts and act like your customer
- Consume their content and see what they see
- An ugly badly designed funnel page to the right audience with the right offer will always beat a beautiful page to the wrong audience with the wrong offer
- Does your offer change something that your customer can physically see get better?
- Can they point to the problem that you’re trying to solve?
- Take away the risk and tell them they WON’T need to do something they’re dreading
- Is there a timeframe in the offer that sounds so incredible they’d be stupid to ignore it?
- Would your audience tell you that they want this offer, without you presenting it to them?
- A marketing funnel is just a series of offers, one after the other, saying “would you like this faster and easier?”
- They can be back to back, page after page, or they can be a longer series of offers
- An offer is not a discount or a special promotion
- An offer is a problem solved or benefit gained for a specific person
- Sell and promote the offer first before you have it finished
- Use that to gauge interest
- Kill your offers that don’t work
- Spend way way more time crafting the amazing exciting idea for your audience
- In theory, the same offer should take care of your content, lead magnets, nurturing, sales process, and all your products
- If someone isn’t interested in getting something for free, via a video or a lead magnet, they sure as hell aren’t going to want to pay for it
- Your social feed and youtube recommendations should be filled with content aimed at your clients, not aimed at you
- If you can’t find Facebook groups, X threads, YouTube channels, books, podcasts, events, apps, templates, LinkedIn groups, subreddits, forums, magazines, SaaS platforms, coaches, insurance, or other marketers aimed at your audience – they don’t exist.
- For a squeeze page, use a simple headline, bullet, image, button format
- Use a 2-part optin or click pop (same thing)
- Collect their name, email address and phone number
- If your offer isn’t good enough for someone to give their phone number, then they’re unlikely to buy from you
- This is about qualification, getting high quality leads over spam and fake emails
- Do this now and cultivate a list of higher quality leads – you’ll thank yourself later
- For the headline, use a simple XYZX format
- X PEOPLE: Get Y result in Z time (without X headache)
- New Dads: Lose 10lbs in 30 days (without going on a diet)
- High performance corporate coaches: Land 10 new $10,000 clients in 90 days (without spending all your time on LinkedIn)
- Build a social following on your own profile
- Stop adding/following peers – start adding/following customers
- Post offers to YOUR wall – if no one is interested, assuming you’ve got followers or friends in your audience, then don’t keep going
- Test offers more than ANYTHING else
- The headline should do 90% of the heavy lifting
- Someone should be able to decide if this is for them, from the headline alone
- People do NOT read bullet points to get clarity or double check if an offer is for them
- If they’re confused or bored by the headline, a subheadline or bullet points will NOT convince them
- You can only win someone over with a headline, EVERYTHING else should be aimed to convince them that they’ve made the right choice
- People read the bullets asking “is this really true? How?”
- The secret that X doesn’t want you to know
- The # steps to finally getting X
- Why your X isn’t working (and how to fix it)
- Show the product in an image
- Ask for single click on the button
- Open a form – they’ve put a tiny amount of effort in now
- Collect their information
- DO NOT redirect them to the actual lead magnet
- Do not show a message of thanks for confirmation
- The actual lead magnet should be super super simple
- Short, easy to consume
- A 15 point checklist is 100x more valuable than a 15 hours course
- Give them an instant result paracetamol painkiller, rather than a long term physiotherapy plan
- Again, don’t build any lead magnets until you get a few conversions
- Redirect them to a page with a video that sells the next thing
- Confirm, acknowledge and reward
- Thank you so much for downloading our guide! It’s on its way to your email inbox.
- Here’s some free training showing how X people get Y result in Z time (without X headache)
- Remember, each stage is faster and easier
- You don’t need to change the Z time part (unless you want to)
- Use a video sales letter to talk about the problem
- Talk through why this is such a big problem
- Really dig into the problem – twist the knife
- Tell them it’s not their fault and why
- Tell them they deserve what they want
- Tell them the old, slow, expensive way of doing it
- Show them new, cheaper, faster way of doing it
- Tell them you can do just that
- Make an offer to your viewer
- Use a VSL page to offer either a product or a call
- Take payment there and then for a faster and easier method than A) your lead magnet and B) the old, expensive, slow way
- 0.1% of people will want everything, right now and, have the money to pay for it
- Offer those people anything and everything they want
- They’ll only be 1/1000 but they’ll spend 100x more than anyone else
- The fastest and easiest product on earth to sell/create is some kind of coaching/consulting
- After a VSL offer page, offer another product, with a higher price, and so on
- Yes, lots of people will drop off
- But focus on those who will buy
- You all need to spend 100x more time and effort in your current audience and list, closing them
- If your product isn’t selling, and no one is interested, it’s not the leads/lists/audiences fault
- 80% of your conversions should and will come from your current audience/list
- If I had 10 people on my email list, I’d book calls with every single one of them
- If I had 100 people on my list, I’d book calls with every single one of them
- People don’t get bored of offers – don’t change them just because you’re worried they’re bored of them
- People either aren’t interested in the first place, or they are
- Whether they can AFFORD it or not right now should be the only thing stopping them
- You should create offers so good, with prices so high, that it seems unfair that only 0.1% of people can afford it
- Either: Focus on selling high ticket services IF you are the one delivering them
- Or: Focus on low ticket product IF you are not delivering them
- Don’t change the offer, change the message
- E.g. Land 10 x $10,000 clients in 90 days (without spending a cent on ads) can become
- Build a $120,000/year business in under 3 months (for less than $100)
- The numbers, the method, the offer is the same
- If you don’t know how to deliver those results, you’re not spending enough time researching/listening to your audience or you haven’t qualified them enough or – you’ve picked a niche that can’t be helped