3 things funnel builders MUST do to 10x their business

Whatever your goals for 2024/2025 I want to show you how you can 10x your results by doing 3 very simple things.

If you want to go from $100,000 to $1M.

If you want to work 3 days a week instead of 7.

If you want 100,000 views instead of 100.

Focus on these 3 things.

1. Doing THIS creates MASSIVE momentum

Working towards any goal requires momentum.

And I see one mistake that funnel builders make over and over.

This mistake makes progress harder than running a marathon through treacle.

Imagine you have a goal of building a wall. The first thing you’d do is map out where you want the wall to go.

You buy all the supplies and resources and just as you get started.

The doorbell rings.

It’s your nosey neighbour who wants to ask what you’re up to.

So you show them your plans and where you’re building it and eventually, they leave.

You head back to the wall and you start digging, when you realise that the bin men arrive today and you haven’t put the garbage bins out.

Dragging the bins to the curb you manage to just catch them in time, before heading back to your wall and you then realise that your lawn could probably use a mow before you start.

How long do you think it would take to get a wall built, if you kept jumping from task to task, allowing interruptions to build up?

If your goal is to get more sales – make “getting sales” the #1 priority.

This is on a large scale goal level AND on a day to day micro level.

Answering emails probably won’t help you get more sales.

Troubleshooting probably won’t help you get more sales.

In my experience, most people know what they need to do to reach their goal, they just don’t make sure that it becomes their absolute #1 priority.

Moment to moment, day to day. 

Keep the main thing, the main thing.

2. Look like you’re not working

I spend 50% of my time writing and 50% of my time leaning back in my overly priced chair, daydreaming.

The 50% of my time that I spend daydreaming looks massively unproductive.

But it’s responsible for 100% of the revenue in my business.

This guy called “Billy Beane” was the manager of a baseball team called the Oakland A’s and they – SUCKED.

Like really bad.

And one of the reasons they sucked is because they did things in their team that all the other baseball teams did too.

Until Billy met a sports analyst called “Paul DePodesta” who explained that the GOAL of baseball is – to score runs.

That’s how you win games.

Paul noticed that some players were REALLY good at “scoring runs” but they were overlooked because traditional baseball dogma looked at completely different attributes.

So rather than competing against every other baseball team, doing what every other baseball team did – Billy focused on finding underrated players who did well statistically, but weren’t noticed on other attributes.

At first of course he was ridiculed for this approach.

And now?

Almost every single SPORT – not just baseball team – uses this method.

It’s so prevalent that it’s actually created ANOTHER broken paradigm where there are now no major advantages to doing it this way.

But this comes from THINKING about the problem.

Because I spend hours a day THINKING.

What’s the biggest goal I’m working towards?

Why is that the goal?

Is that the best goal I could work towards?

What’s the biggest problem I could solve, that would make the goal easier to reach?

Am I working on the right problem now?

If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree – I’ll spend 4 hours sharpening the axe (Abraham Lincoln probably).

3. Become the most useless member of the team

Right now in your business you ARE the most useless member of the team.

All the roadblocks, problems and chokepoints are down to you.

So instead, you need to become even MORE useless.

Think about a stream and imagine yourself standing in the middle of the stream.

Your goal is to turn the stream into a full raging river.

While you’re standing in it, you’re actively preventing the stream from picking up speed and growing.

If you’ve got team members, they’re working behind you or in front of you, trying to widen the stream, make it deeper and connect more running water sources to the stream.

But still, you insist on standing right in the centre, blocking water from flowing through.

You might not see it, but your team does. And so do your customers.

You are useless right there.

So, what’s the solution?

Make you even MORE useless and move you OUT of the stream.

And yes, on the side, you’re not doing ANYTHING.

But – the stream is free to grow and get larger and faster.

Most business owners can’t accept that their ego and attachment to the business IS what’s preventing progress.

Their insistence on being involved in each aspect is what’s killing their growth.

Step out.

Be a useless lump.

Let other people get on with it.

And – let other people claim credit when it goes well.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.