I can’t believe I haven’t written about this before.
Because when I look over my success experiments (a list I keep of things that I think will improve the business by 1% each time) there is a clear winner over and over and over.
It isn’t buying coaching or joining a program.
It isn’t a special software.
It’s not even a dumb morning routine or “discipline”.
It’s completely free, works when you need it AND does more for your business than all that other stuff combined.
When I wanted to grow my YouTube channel, the first thing I did was sign up to a ton of coaching calls, programs, courses and software.
But, even with all the learning and even putting the theory into practice, I just wasn’t making the progress I wanted.
I wasn’t progressing fast enough and I didn’t feel like I was getting the results I deserved.
I had a complete mental block about what to do next.
And so I fell back on an old instinctual habit I had that, so far, every single time I’ve used it, has paid off.
I messaged a TON of people in the forums, groups, programs, courses and memberships I was in with this:
“Hey Mike, I was thinking of running a group accountability call with a small group of YouTubers who want more views. We’d have a whatsapp group, share ideas and brainstorm with each other and get feedback on each other’s thumbnails and titles. What do you think?”
I had three of four people say yes, we joined a call and just…talked.
Well it’s more structured than that really.
The core focus of this exact accountability group was feedback on thumbs and titles etc.
But the reason it’s so powerful is because everyone is learning things, all the time.
And then you, as the individual, get to tap into everyone else’s knowledge.
We’ve not got a small group of seven or so of us.
And looking back, each and every time I’ve wanted to get something done – with a specific goal (know what you want), I’ve found other people who want that same thing and we’ve worked on it together.
Writing a book, hitting $10K recurring revenue, starting a business, selling funnels, growing YouTube. Anything and everything. And, it works, every single time.
So if you had to start an accountability group, what would be the shared goal?