I guarantee you’ll get a client with this

When I tell people that they need to write an offer that makes a massive claim, they always respond with:

“But Mike! I don’t want to make that kind of offer!”


Three reasons.

  1. They might not know how to guarantee those results
  2. They’ve never done it before
  3. They might not get those results and they don’t want their customers to demand a refund
  4. They don’t want to look like a hype scam marketer and be called a scammer when they can’t get the results

This is how you deal with guaranteeing results. 

Because unfortunately, you NEED to make claims like this or your business will fail.

  1. The barrier to entry is lower than ever. KIDS are starting marketing companies now.
  2. EVERYONE is offering the same shit with bland, unfocused and generic offers
  3. There are 100 solutions to all problems now – you need to target your ideal customer with THEIR best possible solution

Here’s a guarantee.

I GUARANTEE that if you put this into practice, you will land a client faster than ever.

Follow the advice I gave in earlier emails about how to create an offer – Subject line: This one sentence books more calls

So you have you offer. Something like:

“I help pet store owners get 40 new walk in customers in 21 days with no ads”

Tell people that you are offering a free 10 minute call to see IF you can do this for them.

Create a landing page with a call booking form for them to book a call.

Get them to fill out a questionnaire with 5 questions. These questions need to tell YOU what their business is like.

Based on the offer YOU have created, what would their business need to have already for THEM to be able to reach that result?

For example, do they already need 10 customers a day? $50,000 a month turnover? An email list? A good store location?

Here’s the critical, life changing, meteoric secret that you NEED to know:

If you can understand this, you business will literally go stratospheric.

The results your customers get has nothing to do with your skill, and everything to do with their situation.

I could train for the next 20 years with the best coaches in the world and I will never ever break the 100 M sprinting world record.

It would be a giant waste of my time and their time.

Yes, if one of them guaranteed that I could beat the current world 100M sprint record, I’d be pissed when one day I realise I can’t.

Imagine their offer was “I help people break sprinting world records”.

Here’s the key difference. 

IF after consulting with me, doing some calls, asking the right questions and qualifying me, the coach says “yes I guarantee I can get you those results”, even though he knows from talking to me that I can’t – then yes. That’s wrong.


If they talk to me, qualify me and consult me and say “Mike, I’ll be honest. I can’t help you break a world record. But, if you wanted to work with me, I can help you run faster be fitter and certainly break some of your own personal records, I’d be happy to do that.” 

That is a totally different conversation.

It’s then up to ME as the customer to decide if this is right.

We’d have a talk about what’s realistic and what kinds of results I could get.

Then I decide if I sign up.

90% of your clients, IF you qualify them, won’t be able to achieve your offer because they’re not in the right place.

But they will still want to work with you. If you’re honest with them and open about where they are.

I see so many marketers make the massive mistake of thinking that just because a company is already successful, that they don’t need help.

That’s like Formula 1 engineers thinking “we’re already pretty fast. Shall we stop here?”

I’ve never ever EVER heard of a business that makes money, say “I think we’re making enough.”

There are tons and tons and TONS of missed opportunities, mistakes, shortcuts and easy wins that businesses are missing out on BECAUSE

And this might shock you

They aren’t marketers!

They’re engineers! Or coaches, or consultants, or makers, or content creators, or entrepreneurs, or product sellers!

I once read a comment along the lines of 

“I’ve been a marketing consultant for 20 years. What you’re basically saying is that me and my colleagues are mistakenly overcomplicating our offer and service and we should be taking the easy route.”

Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.