Rule 1: Know what you want.
Rule 2: Make sure they know what you want
Rule 3: Don’t fear failure, judgement, ridicule or vulnerability
Rule 3 matters a LOT.
How often have you wanted to produce or create something, or just have something, and you fear telling other people because you’re worried that you’ll be judged?
This is why you always feel like you’re failing.
The feeling of not being good enough, not meeting expectations, not living up to other people’s standards – that’s the curse of failure.
And it’s also, 100% made up and in your head.
It’s a very difficult pattern to break or habit to break.
Fearing telling people what you want, because you’re worried they’ll think you’re X.
For years I didn’t tell anyone that I want a six figure passive income, because I was worried that they’d see me as lazy or unrealistic.
“It’s just not practical Mike. It doesn’t exist.”
Even down to small things.
Like driving to Italy from England. I didn’t tell my wife that it would be an amazing thing to do. Because I was worried about the judgement.
But the painful and harsh reality, is that if you do tell someone what your goals are. What you want. And they aren’t supportive…
Find people who are.
I think there is a direct link between feeling like a failure, and not being vulnerable.