Recurring Revenue Retreat: A Retrospective Review
Right. Reviewing the Recurring Revenue Retreat (or R3) righteously or even responsibly would be realistically remissive of me. I promise I won’t alliterate the entire review. R3 was conceived in 2017 when Kristina Romero had the idea to bring awesome speakers, with incredible businesses and focus on the concept of recurring revenue, rather than a…
Read MoreHow funnel builders can become key persons of influence with Daniel Priestley
Can you imagine a funnel business where you’re paid to speak, people have read your books and you deliver work to some of the top businesses in the world? Imagine knowing that you don’t have to work evenings and weekends, but you’re getting more done than ever before. Last month Daniel Priestley was kind enough…
Read MoreHow I landed an interview with Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer
A few weeks back, I managed to book an interview with Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer. Currently, we’re in talks with other big names in the marketing, entrepreneur and business space. I want to interview people who have really made a difference in the digital marketing space. Men and women who are helping people set…
Read MoreRyan Deiss Funnel Blueprint | Sell Your Service
What is the Ryan Deiss funnel blueprint to success? Listen to one of the world’s leading digital marketers and download his CVO Funnel Sales Playbook here.
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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.
I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.
I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Have courage, commit and take action.
Mike Killen