How to choose the best and most effective sales and marketing tactics for your funnel business
How a dead-broke, overwhelmed marketing freelancer changed his entire funnel business and sold $10,000’s of funnels from just one hour a week.
What if you knew your funnel business was going in the right direction?
If you've got one hour a week I guarantee you'll feel more confident about the future of your marketing funnel business (and your own confidence in yourself).
If you're fed up with all theory and no practice, I'll show you exactly what's working in my funnel business and dozens of others. No hypothetical ideas, just tested practices and experience and evidence
The most effective method for growing your business is guidance and accountabilty
My name is Mike Killen and I know what it’s like to want to build a successful business and provide for your family.
I wanted total clarity and confidence in my business, I wanted to know that “this is going to work” and that I was on the right path to success.
Fog of future
Even when you have total clarity on what your goals are, it’s the path that is obscured. Revenue goals, business milestones, new products. It can seem so clear in your mind, but the path to get there is clouded in fog.

Make the change for be forced to accept what's happening to you.
"If you're not making plans for yourself, someone is making them for you."
Overall, it’s frustrating because you feel like you're not growing. Every goal feels just out of reach.
It's like you're wading through treacle and it's exhausting to just move a few steps.
You’re working from customer to customer
There’s no “recurring income” into the business and you wouldn’t even know how to sell a recurring revenue service.
Each customer project finishes and you have to search for a new lead. The peaks and dips of revenue are slowly draining all your energy.
Can’t seem to get out of the “work in the business” cycle
There’s so much you want to do for the business. But you’re stuck “doing” the work for customers.
Getting out of that cycle seems impossible because no one quite understands how your business works.
I was letting family down
I used to feel like I was letting everyone down. My family, my wife, my staff.
I was constantly worried about the impact of my decisions and would work myself into the ground trying to do everything.
But at the end of the day, I was still unable to provide everything I set out to.
I couldn’t take care of all the bills, we weren’t going on holiday, I didn’t feel like I was contributing my fair share.
Sleepless nights worrying
Should I advertise more? I had tried so many times and each time it failed.
I even had dickhead advertising media people tell me that “if I believed in my product, I should advertise”.
Or should I be creating productised services. Or software? Should I be networking or join a mastermind group?
I was trying everything and nothing, terrified that I was doing the wrong thing.
Wonder “what am I doing wrong?”
I’d look around and see all these other agencies and marketing businesses talk about how great their business was.
How they were “crushing” it. And yet, I seemed to be working harder.
What the fuck was I doing wrong?
Just want a comfortable life
I didn’t want to own the world. I didn’t want to become a multi-millionaire. I just wanted a comfortable life. Why was that just out of reach?

Most funnel builders mistakenly think they can do it alone
The single biggest mistake I see funnel builders make, is thinking that they can do it alone.
They can’t afford to hire anyone to do the work, and they can’t find a partner to share the business with because no one else “get’s it”.
So they bury themselves in work and try to grind it out by themselves. Not realising that they’re killing themselves in the process.
There is a better way, with people who get you and understand your business.
Learn from people that have done it
Be with people that are doing it
Train with people who do it
More opportunities are going to fly your way
You must be equipped to take advantage of them.
Have you ever felt that there are so many opportunities and potential niches and products, that you don’t know where to start?
The 2020’s only going to get more confusing as increasing numbers of tactics, partnerships and tools will be shown to you.
If you’re not sure which one’s to choose (and more importantly ignore), you’re going to start hundreds of races without finishing any.
Hyper competitive marketplace with lower barriers to entry
The number of businesses and tools offering funnel services is growing exponentially.
DIY software, Funnels As A Service and more marketing funnel agencies are competing for the market’s attention and money.
Unless you’re standing out from the crowd by being different, not just louder, you’re going to struggle to find customers.
Negative feedback from your environment
The people you’re around, your network, it all impacts your performance.
If you’re not getting positive feedback and support from the environment around you, it’s detrimental to your businesses growth.
Environment dictates performance.
High performing athletes hang out with other athletes. Top sales people hang out with other top sales people. Great funnel businesses learn and grow with other great funnel builders.
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My name is Mike Killen and I’m a sales confidence coach for funnel builders
I motivate businesses to find hidden benefits to their products and services that are so desirable they can’t help but sell them.
I’m the author of From Single To Scale, Universe Fuel and the soon to be released, Five Figure Funnels.

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Jami Leclerc
I have a structure every week that forces me to stay on track, learn new things and also exchange with other entrepreneurs in the same boat as me. Business wise I now know what niche to go after and know how to build all kinds of different funnels for those customers. I feel like now I am in a stronger position and ready to take action.
Paul Kouwen
Mike is very giving person and he will make sure that if you invest your efforts to learn, he will be there to make sure you get value.
Emilie Grau
Mike's coaching is great because he gives tactics and mindset goals. I used to struggle with finding a niche and creating attractive and scalable marketing packages. Not any more!
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The Weekly Call programme
If at any point you think the coaching is poor quality, low value or you’re not getting anything from it, you can leave at any time.
No upsells or downsells, no hidden “cancel” buttons. No questions asked.
You’re not tied into any contracts and you can leave at any time.
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