Marketing Funnel in a Box

Resource and downloads

Sell Your Service Marketing Funnel In A Box

More traffic, more leads, more sales.

Here's everything you need to build your own marketing automation funnel for your WordPress business.

Watch our introduction and overview video that talks about what you've got and everything you've got access to.

Below you can find all your resources with a short video explaining how to use everything.

If you have any questions or need support, just shoot an email to


Blog posts

Attracting traffic

We have 5 blog posts available to download that cover off 3 key topics of traffic, leads and sales.

They're divided into 5 different subtopics of SEO, content, website sales, social media and email marketing.

leag magnets

Lead magnet materials

Converting visitors

Lead magnets are how you convert visitors into leads. We offer the lead magnet in exchange for an email address and other contact information.

The strength of a lead magnet and the way to increase conversions is to offer a lead magnet with a similar topic to original blog post or landing content.

landing pages

Landing page copy

Converting visitors

With your 3 lead magnets, it's important to have the landing pages set up for remarketing and landing page traffic.

That's why we've got the copy written for each individual lead magnet written here for you to turn into as many landing pages as you like.

thank you pages 1

Thank you page copy

Measuring conversions

Thank you pages are a critical part of any website and customer conversion. Rather than just display a thank you message or taking visitors straight to the content, you need to redirect visitors to thank you pages.

Thank you pages is where I place conversion pixels AND explain what happens next. It's also a great place to upsell to a splinter product.

email copy

Email marketing and sales copy

Converting leads

The key to automated sales and lead conversion is proper email marketing. Sending valuable content and stacking the content that the lead gets after they sign up to a lead magnet.

We've written the delivery, welcome, content and sales emails for your email automation campaign. Now you just need to upload these to your CRM of choice.

Email marketing explainer

Sales letter explainer

splinter product

Splinter products

Generating revenue

After your traffic have consumed your new blog posts and lead magnets, they'll want to seriously up their website game. Which is where you can add massive value.

We've create a course slide deck and marketing funnel process sheet for you to sell to your customers. Record your own voice over the slides and you've got a full course with download guide. We've even written the notes and script inside the slides.

Splinter product explainer

Splinter product example

Video course module


Below I have two videos. Both use the content section of the slides as a module for a course. In tota, there are 7 modules written out as a script.

By following the script and providing a voice over, along with a few examples, I've created a 10-minute module that was VERY fast and will give you customers lots to think about.

Record your own voice over the slides and record your screen. Then edit the video (or, as I've already seen, insert images into the slides now and read the script off another monitor) and publish as a course.

Below is the unedited version to show you what I started with. Underneath that is the final edited version that I would give to customers.

Unedited version

Edited version