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Our three killer posts will help you sell more marketing funnels to your customers.

sell funnel marketing proposal

How to sell monthly retainer marketing funnels to customers

charge price sell marketing funnel

How much should you charge for a marketing funnel?

Big life changing goals are your fuel for motivation

The $100K marketing funnel

Download our $100K marketing funnel plan. See how we made $100 000 in 30 days for one of our customers.

01. Every page

All the sales pages, landing pages and delivery pages in the funnel.

02. Every email

Each email we sent and what the purpose was for every single communication.

03. When we sent

The timing and days we sent each email and who we sent each communication to.

04. What we sent

The types of email, the segments we sent them to and the clear path to a sale that we crafted.


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Our latest content

X people have taken this step – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | June 7, 2016 | X people have taken this step – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and content, that you can use in your WordPress business for your marketing automation and your customers email marketing to get results If you want free…

innovate new products, marketing funnel automation, wordpress

The $25000 question that forces you to innovate new products that you can sell

By Mike Killen | June 2, 2016 |

*Note: there’s some pretty bad language in this post. An f-bomb or two. So Mum, if you’re reading, know that I cleaned my mouth with soap. I’m going to give you $25000 tomorrow and I want results. It’s as simple as that. When you wake up, you’ll be $25000 richer and deposited into your bank…

5 things you should do INSTEAD of Instagramming a photo of you with a customer

By Mike Killen | May 26, 2016 |

Social media. It’s bloody brilliant isn’t it? Personally, I don’t agree that taking selfies and photos is making s more narcissistic. However, The Guardian writes about “the rise of the selfie and digital narcissism” and I can see their point about how having photos of ourselves, at our best and showing them off for fake…

Help customers, start speaking,

Start HELPING customers NOW. Don’t wait for this…

By Mike Killen | May 19, 2016 |

You’re never going to know it all. You need to start helping customers now, with what you know now. I know it’s tough because you want to feel like you know lots until you start helping people. There are 3 roadblocks to not using what you know to help customers. But I only just learnt…

Offer JUST for subscribers – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | May 17, 2016 | Offer JUST for subscribers – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and content, that you can use in your WordPress business for your marketing automation and your customers email marketing to get results If you want free email marketing…

Businesses that use marketing funnels (that you wouldn’t think use marketing funnels)

By Mike Killen | May 12, 2016 | Marketing funnels eh? They’re bloody everywhere. Well some people have asked me to explain a few businesses that use marketing funnels where you might not expect them. Let’s take a look at 3 big ones. Netflix, Amazon and Estate Agents. If you want your email marketing copy done for you, without paying a cent,…

landing page, marketing funnel, sales funnel, marketing automation

The 5 landing page flow that increases sales and conversions

By Mike Killen | May 12, 2016 |

You can use this 5 landing page flow as a template to create any marketing automation funnel – and you can build it with ANY WordPress website. If you could turn any WordPress website into a marketing automation funnel, would that be a useful skill?  Think of how you could generate leads and sales for…

Sneak peek at our process – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | May 10, 2016 |

3 questions you ABSOLUTELY must ask every potential customer

By Mike Killen | May 5, 2016 |

These 3 questions are taken from my ‘website worksheet’, which is a worksheet that leads have to fill in before I’m willing to talk to them. It acts as a qualifier, filtering out people that are just quote finding or tyre-kickers.  It also provides me with the basic information I need to see if I…

What I learnt from spending £30000 on PPC

What I’ve learnt from spending £30 000 on a customer’s paid traffic

By Mike Killen | April 28, 2016 |

In 2015 we ran a campaign for a customer using Google and LinkedIn to generate leads and sales for their £1500 a year subscription product.  These are the results.  You can download the PDF, here. Don’t feel you have to spend £30K to get results, we ended up generating close to £175 000 in revenue…