Today, what we’re going to talk about is a concept called closing the loops.
We all deal with funnels or some kind of like series of conversions and I believe that a lot of the time we think that we have to go after a particular conversion and then go after the conversion beforehand.
For example, we focus on sales or whatever, and then once we’ve generated a few sales, we think let’s go straight into lead generation or prospecting or upselling the conversion afterward.
I believe that we have a real opportunity to very cost-effectively and profitably do something called closing the loop.
This is really basically fixing the leaks within a funnel. I think this is where remarketing shines strongest is when we can close the loop with a particular conversion and we’ll focus or focus on one conversion for the time being.
We’re going to build out some audiences in real-time and I’m going to show you how to do that. Whatever conversion we choose, we’re going to build an audience of people who could or should take that next conversion.
Let’s say you’ve got people landing on a squeeze page and you want them to sign up to some free training or a webinar or download a lead magnet and 10% of people sign up. We have a hundred people come on the page, land on the page, and then 10 of them sign up.
It’s still possible another 10% or higher even would still want to convert just for whatever reason they didn’t and we’ll talk a little bit about why that is.
Remarketing as a concept, as an activity is designed to strengthen conversions rather than create them.
What I mean by that is if we are already attracting some kind of conversion in our funnels, on our website, wherever it is, remarketing is a great tool to strengthen the likelihood that the next person will also convert or that same audience will convert.
What it means is that we’re only going to show this particular advert to someone when they have already been on the page. Sales pages are another great example.
We’re not over-complicating anything here. This is some pretty basic stuff.
If someone lands on let’s say a contact page or a sales page for your website and they don’t convert, we can show them an advert specifically, especially within Facebook, within their Facebook feed that says, “Hey, have you forgotten about this product? or ”Hey, you should still continue to sign up or even just show them that offer again.“
We’re strengthening the conversion. The mistake I believe people make is they think if I show a load of people an advert for an offer that’s the next stage that will create conversions.
For example, if a load of people lands on a landing page and they sign up and they’ll go through to a thank you page or the delivery page or whatever. We’ll then use remarketing to show them an advert for the next product.
Now that does work. That next stage conversion-based remarketing does work, but at the moment, for the time being, I’m more concerned with what we call closing the loop.
Someone who has already taken that action and potentially is going to sign up, is going to buy, is going to take that next stage and then strengthen and reinforce that conversion with them rather than create them.
That’s just what we’re focusing on today. Not to say that you can’t do other methods, but for the time being, I want to strengthen conversions.
Our goal is to simply move people to the next stage. That’s all we’re trying to do. Our entire funnel process is designed around that.
Remarketing is a great tool to help people move to that next stage. Now, remember that there is a slight distinction I talked about earlier, in my opinion, remarketing is best used when the opportunity or the offer was already made.
If they land on a sales page through email marketing or through something else, predominantly email in a lot of these cases or if they just visit as traffic and they land on a sales page, or maybe they land on a contact page.
If you’re still running a service-based contact, that’s a really good place to have people based around remarketing because they fill out a contact form.
For those that don’t, we want to show them a remarketing-based advert for the action they didn’t take.
We’re just trying to move people to the next stage so the difference is rather than showing them an advert for an opportunity or an offer that they haven’t seen yet, we’re only going to show adverts to people who have seen it.
As I said, we can do it other ways and it’s very successful ways, but typically for the time being we want to just focus on offers that have already been made.
As a rule, now this comes from Daniel Priestley over at wrote this up.
On average for people to make a decision, particularly a large decision, like a purchase or a sale, buying something, investing a lot of time into something.
For example, they need roughly 11 touchpoints, which are things like emails, adverts, social posts, blog posts, landing pages, roughly four different channels, so that’s your social media page, that’s your email, it’s phone calls and the touchpoints is the number of time you do that.
If they read 11 blog posts, for example, that’s 11 touchpoints, but that’s only one channel. Perhaps four blog posts, four videos on YouTube, four Facebook posts, three adverts, and an email, for example.
It’s not a great example, it’s not the way I do that, but that’s what we’re getting at.
Roughly they need to invest or spend seven hours with you to make a particular purchasing decision. It’s obviously a lot less when they’re just signing up to a lead magnet, but it’s roughly seven hours worth at the time that they need to spend with you.
We’ve talked previously about the customer product matrix. What this is identifying the next step. We should be working on the bottom left corner, where we have current products matching to current customers.
This is what we call the hyper profit area. These are products that we already have being sold to customers that we already know and that they know us.
Most people will focus on remarketing in areas like the product launch area, which is new products to current customers or current products to new customers they’ll try and remarket and attract new audience and what we call the market acquisition stage.
At the top also we’ve got things like attracting traffic, converting traffic into audience, converting audience into leads.
Remarketing can be used at all of these stages, but our job is to focus on the bottom left-hand corner, using the upsell and the consumption area, the high ticket and the recurring revenue area, focusing on moving people through current products when they are already a current customer.
Posted in Facebook adverts