How to save over $300 a month and replace 5 tools with HighLevel

What we’re going to look at are five tools that basically High Level is going to replace or remove or eliminate the need for.

This is even available on the $97 version that they have.

If you want a free trial of their $497 a month for 30 days, which is their High Level like SaaS mode, which allows you to package this up and sell it to customers, you can actually get a 30-day free trial by heading to

This is a second one. Previously, I think we saved over $500 by looking at five other tools and I wanted to look at five more tools or 10 in total that we’re going to replace.

You’re looking at almost $800 a month that you can save.

This is your business, right? Sales, admin, and operations.

Operations also known as delivery. So, sales and marketing, how you generate leads and close people.

Operations, delivery, how you give them the results that they’ve bought and admin is how you run your business.


The first thing I want to look at is hosting.

First of all, you can build websites, you can build funnels, you could build your entire site architecture using High Level, as well as so you have the site, the funnels and even if you had like some kind of course or delivery, you could do that all inside.

But they also now do WordPress hosting. For the same flat rate, you could put your WordPress hosting in there as well.

We currently use WP engine. We will probably be moving away from them pretty swiftly.

WP engine, I think, is 49 bucks a month, three sites, 7,500 visitors, 15 GB of storage.

I would say that it’s about 49 bucks a month or 49 pounds. It’s probably about the same yanks. Is it the same for you, guys?

About 50 bucks a month for that one. That’s our first one there. We’ve saved roughly 50.


The second piece. This is a bit of a weird one is Skype.

I’m trying to just use a bland general VoIP service.

One of the things that I really like to do is if someone signs up to a lead magnet, try to get on them on the phone as quickly as possible, or if we’re qualifying them, just run phone calls and through High Level.

You see this green call button here.

I click that and I can dial a number, say which number I want to call from.

We’ve got a bunch of them and then it just does it through my headset, through the computer and we pay a super low rate. It’s like cents. Tenths of a cent per minute or something.

We also send texts through this as well. I know businesses that are currently using Skype as their VoIP system or another VoIP system we used to use sip central, which I think is what we used to use. I can’t remember now.

But that ran at about 16 bucks quid a month, 10 quid a month. Let’s say 10 quid a month.

What’s their Skype plan? Subscription unlimited minutes, 2.40 a month, North America, six quid a month, let’s say, plus minutes, a tenner a month, plus your, whatever it is that you’re using.

We’re going to put that in through admin and what we used is we replace Skype or whatever you’re using at around 10 or a month. You just get to do it all through your phone.

Here’s the other crazy thing using the lead connector app which is available. It is a high-level app. I can actually find people that I want to have conversations with, and I might not have it on this version, but coming soon is the ability to make calls through that VoIP system through your phone where you be able to have conversations with people.

They do have the ability to text people already. I can have a conversation with Mike here. I can actually select him and type in a message like that. It basically will text him, which is insane from whatever number I want.

Let’s say for 10 a month that eliminates that cost. I don’t think we pay way less than that. Maybe 30 bucks across the whole team.

That’s another tool that we’ve got. We’ve got a three there.


Intercom for generating calls and leads and sales, and basically having chats on your site is super powerful. Every business in the world has Intercom at the moment.

But High Level has a version which works as well. You can either use it through their platform. You can use it through their chat. It can also connect to Google My Business and Facebook pages. Again, you can use it by phone. Intercom runs about $67 a month.

That there means High Level will install on your site or in your customer’s site the ability for a little pop-up have a conversation or there are seasons, even some kind of crazy stuff, which they can do with like AI and things.

Whereby you can have conversations with people now, all from one app from one screen, have the measured through the pipeline, check into their accounts without having to do any CRM management. That’s all inside the regular standard $97 a month.

If you install that alone for your customers, let’s say that you decide to go for the $497 a month SaaS, and you say, “Well, for 97 a month, I will give you basically Intercom plus a few extra pieces.”

It already pays for itself for your customers to move over. It’s white-labeled under your service, which is pretty insane to me.


Next up, let’s look at a videos.

I have Vimeo listed as 16 quid a month or 16 bucks a month. I can’t quite remember.

You don’t need Vimeo if you want to create videos for the delivery side here. Courses, you can actually just upload them and they have a 10 AGP course function within High Level to deliver courses.

The Double Your Revenue course that we’ve got, we have the video plays and it plays at 10 ATP. This is not through Vimeo. This is through High Level. We’ve just uploaded it.

This is insane and crazy, crazy, powerful. They even have a way to be able to do it for things like video sales letters.

But your main thing is obviously around courses. Like why not just put them in one location, you can still download them. They can have the option to download them if you wanted to.

Very, very, very powerful.

That’s 16 a month. Nice and simple.


The final one, something like Kajabi, which is great, roughly 150 bucks a month.

The $319 is great if you are like a power user. I think we’ve seen people use it and it’s super powerful, but there’s quite a big gap between what you get for $159 and $319.

Most people we found got $159 to deliver courses, upsells, one-click upsells, one-time offers, video sales letters, the funnel process all the way through.

For delivery, you also get a little bit of things like the funnel and sales page, check-outs. You can also do like text to pay so you can send people texts, and they can text you back their information and pay that way.

Super, super powerful.

That’s around $300.

300 bucks is not too bad to save, to move your tools over to High Level. Hopefully, that gives you another insight as to how to start saving money using High Level.

If you were to resell it, it’s $497 a month to have an entire SaaS platform built for you, and they will even do the setup for you for $99 bucks or something with other customers.

You could sell an Intercom style chat widget that also links with Google My Business and a Facebook page seamlessly, and even text and email from your phone.

You could do all of that for $97 a month and they would still be saving money. You would be able to make a super-serious profit on that if you just got six people on board, which is insane to me.

That is how we are migrating another five tools over to High Level. Chances are, we will probably keep Vimeo, which is not a huge expense.

We’ve got rid of Skype. I think, like I said, we were using like sip channel or something like sip champion. I can’t remember. Chats, we got rid of entirely and we’re using High Level.

All of our hosting would eventually be done by High Level as well and of course, our courses are taken care of by High Level as well.

If you want the templates and pieces that I’m talking about, you can actually get a 30 day free trial of SaaS mode. Head over to, you can get 30 days free trial of their pro mode.

That’s where you can basically create a SaaS business for your agency from scratch, which is absolutely insane to me. All of this stuff is included in that.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.