If there’s one thing I see time and time again with my clients.
It’s imposter syndrome.
“I can’t charge higher prices because my clients won’t go for it.”
“I’m not good enough to close people that fast.”
“That won’t work for me. I’m not like you.”
It’s a mixture of a lack of self belief, self imposed limiting beliefs and conditional love.
That’s right – love.
Imposter syndrome ties back to our belief that we’re only good enough if we achieve certain things.
We compare ourselves to others and, despite what we’ve accomplished, we never feel we’re quite good enough.
And what we’re currently doing, is almost certainly fraudulent and we’ll be caught out soon.
I’m currently battling MASSIVE imposter syndrome myself.
It’s not a badge of honour.
It’s crippling my creativity and management and leadership.
It’s literally restricting the amount of good I can do in the world.
And I see it in my clients also.
My friend, Tara Halliday has a book called Unmasking: The Coach’s Guide to Imposter Syndrome.
And I’m currently reading an early release copy of her next book, Outsmart Imposter Syndrome.
Imposter Syndrome kills creativity and potential.
It’s usually a sign of high-achievers and people with great focus and determination.
Ultimately, most of it boils down to believing you’re only worthy of love or value measured against your achievements.
I’m sure you can see just how damaging and toxic that can be.
It’s what I’m working on because I want to give more.
I want to give back and lead more than just up to my limiting beliefs.
Interested in hearing your thoughts.