how to write an email marketing strategy

How to write an email marketing strategy

By Mike Killen / September 25, 2020

…to write an email marketing strategy for your own business into these areas. Split the strategy into three areas Daily emails Campaigns Automation Get comfortable with testing Example campaign. Split…

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marketing funnel business, run a business, start a marketing funnel business, start a business, marketing funnels

How to run a profitable, successful marketing funnel business in 2019

By Mike Killen / October 25, 2018

…sales and revenue, our business will go under. There is absolutely nothing we can do about that, we might as well find a strategy that we are comfortable committing to…

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How to find more clients for your marketing agency without spending a penny

By Mike Killen / July 24, 2020

…and data for advertisers who might want to buy an ad with that company. Sometimes the media kit is a free PDF download, sometimes you have to ask for it….

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The definitive guide for creating outstanding landing pages in WordPress, with copy and content that generates more email sign ups

By Mike Killen / June 16, 2016

…your offering and it’s a PDF download, maybe do a quick audio recording as well. So it could be bonus access to the recording of the PDF. Add a little…

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marketing funnel content plan blog post wordpress

How Any WordPress Businesses Can Create An Entire Killer Content Marketing Funnel In As Little As 1 Hour (and of course, teach to your customers)

By Mike Killen / January 23, 2017

…to consume. Often, as experts, we think people are searching for process guides or how-to guides on actions. For example, how to search optimise your blog post page for Google….

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scale products digital services website business

10 perfect products for single person businesses, that scale easily and FAST

By Mike Killen / February 16, 2017

…2 main choices with white-labelling. First is agency based white-label and second is app/product based white-label. Agency based white-labelling means another agency (maybe even local), provides the actual work while…

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wordpress business scale products sell create

How any WordPress businesses can create more products to sell… Even if you’ve only ever sold websites!

By Mike Killen / February 2, 2017

…your qualification questions, or discovery questions. Maybe you have a questionnaire for starting a project, or a series of questions that you always ask new customers. Worksheets, forms, workshops, consulting…

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transcript site map website smart pages

[Transcript] The smartest pages you can create on ANY website and why you need to use them

By Mike Killen / December 8, 2016

…eBook, a template, a download, a guide, whatever kind of information; hell, if you’ve written blog posts, just package three of them up, put them together in a PDF and…

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My TOP tools for working 2024

By Mike Killen / June 21, 2024

…the single greatest thing on Earth… It’s not a bloody web app. It’s an actual thing that you download and put on your PC and it syncs for FREE because…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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