The content of your lead magnet doesn’t matter at all.
I think the biggest mistake that agency owners make when it comes to building “lead magnets” is OVERDELIVERING.
It makes sense on paper. You want to create an awesome, hyper useful lead magnet that your leads will love.
By creating something so useful and powerful and “packed with value”, you’ll demonstrate that you’re the right business to work with, right?
Tell me that’s not your thought process.
We also think that if we create a REALLY good lead magnet, packed with great ideas and value, that more people will sign up.
I mean, that makes sense. Right? Create something awesome if you want more people to sign up to it.
And yet, when we publish our lead magnet optin/squeeze page….crickets 🦗
So what we’re seeing is 2 disappointing results.
1. Your customers aren’t desperate to work with you after opting in to your lead magnet – even though it’s super valuable and SHOWS how much you know.
2. Your optin page converts at under 20% (ours is between 60% – 80%) and hardly anyone signs up.
So what can you do differently?
First – build/write/test your optin pages first. You read that right. Build the lead magnet funnel WITHOUT the lead magnet.
Why? It’ll force you to write the page from the “problem” angle first.
You see, most people build lead magnets from the perspective of their expertise – NOT from the problem of the customer.
I’ll bet that you’re seeing low conversion rates on your lead magnet because you’re telling people what the lead magnet IS, not what it DOES.
You’re selling FEATURES, not FUTURES. And as you know we should be selling futures, not features.
Second – the longer, more detailed and more “valuable” your lead magnet is, the less valuable it becomes. Counter-intuitive I know, but it’s true.
In fact…the content of the lead magnet barely matters at all.
Think about it. Under 5% of your leads will ever even OPEN the lead magnet, yet alone follow it through and take action.
When was the last time you had 2 spare hours to read a detailed ebook or take a full course?
If you think about the “optin” (when they put in their email address) a bit like a sale – they’re giving you something in return for a promise.
In this case, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for them to know what the content of the lead magnet is. They’re buying the PROMISE. Not the end product.
So – with that in mind, what are you promising to your audience? Another ebook or some more training?
Or a SOLUTION to a SPECIFIC problem that they want to solve?
Third and final – do less. Do less and deliver less.
A quick 8 minute video or a cheat sheet is all you need.
[PRO TIP] You ALREADY have a killer lead magnet – you’re probably using one with your clients right now.
A cheat sheet, a checklist or an audit framework. Use that.
Don’t overcomplicate this. Don’t create stuff from scratch. Use what you’ve got and do the squeeze page first.
Then once you get a few leads, send them the video or worksheet. Make life easy on yourself.
If any of this resonates with you, let me know below – or better yet, share this email. It might help your friends and network out.