You haven’t done anything enough UNTIL you know your numbers.
Know Your Numbers.
Back in 2019 I was looking at our sales and revenue and I was scratching my head.
“What is happening? We’re doing emails, YouTube, Facebook, Insta, TikTok, webinars, podcasts, books, interviews but we STILL aren’t raking in the money!”
I couldn’t figure out why we weren’t generating the sales that I wanted.
In fact generating revenue from sales was painfully slow.
I was extremely frustrated because to me, I had MASTERED all aspects of these activities.
I could create videos, run sales calls, write content…but no matter HOW GOOD I was at it, I never could seem to just relax and see the sales roll in.
And so I brought this problem to a mastermind I was a part of and they all asked me the same thing:
“Mike, what does your sales funnel look like and what are the conversion numbers for each stage?”
I was THE funnel guy.
This same group of people came to ME when they needed sales funnel advice.
Obviously I thought I’d have all these numbers ready to go. At my finger tips.
I couldn’t pull the data that I needed, easily and quickly.
In fact, I couldn’t even FIND the data I needed.
But I was so sure of my mastery of each stage, that my hubris blinded me.
You’re not a master of ANYTHING until you know your numbers.
And so I spent 2 years researching how to collect, store and read those numbers.
I cut out products and channels to make things easier.
I created dashboards and reports.
I used every resource I had to make sure that I could MASTER my numbers.
Master your numbers and you’ll master your activities.