51 things I’ve got better at

I keep track of everything I try to do 1% better each time I release a new YouTube video. 

I’m not going to start teaching how to do YouTube, but I did want to share just how many things can make a 1% difference. 

Stack them up over time and it makes a massive change.

1. Writing scripts

2. Making thumbnails before the video

3. Creating the title before the video

4. Hiring a thumbnail designer

5. Sharing my thumbnails with people to get feedback

6. Using Photoshop to build thumbnails

7. Spending way more time researching what’s working with thumbnails

8. Watching competitors videos 

9. Learning what competitors are doing to get views

10. Trying to create videos around what my viewers want to watch, not what I want to share/say

11. Focusing on the juicy idea, then thumbnail, then title, then video

12. Not letting fear of judgement dictate what my video will be about

13. Focusing on stories not facts

14. Building the stakes before each point

15. Writing my intro over and over

16. Testing my intro and getting feedback

17. Writing a script and leaving it for a week

18. Using a teleprompter

19. Providing more feedback for editing

20. Sharing unfinished videos to be critiqued

21. Opening myself up to shock and story over fact and truth

22. Allowing thumbnails to take 95% of the time

23. Getting the idea to be as juicy and clickable/watchable as possible

24. Researching ideas and brainstorming 10 ideas and scraping them all

25. Deleting large sections of my scripts

26. Rewriting my scripts from scratch

27. Creating curiosity with my thumbnails

28. Leaning into people’s more base desires and goals and feelings

29. Not trying to “rise above” people’s wants and desires

30. Reducing the amount of information in my videos

31. Focusing on making the viewer feel smart

32. Removing my need to be seen as smart or hard working

33. Providing way more feedback for my thumbnails to my team

34. Taking more time to create the thumbnail

35. Using AI to mock a draft version of the thumbnail

36. Investing in communities and training for YouTube

37. Make sure the camera is not on the desk to prevent shaking

38. Using Loom to record a rough draft brain dump video first

39. Writing a script breakdown from that Loom

40. Spending more time writing stories and getting feedback on them

41. Giving feedback to more people’s YouTube stuff to better my own work

42. Deleting 3 recorded videos and scripts and starting again

43. Spend more time on the photograph and less time on the graphic design

44. Pushing video titles to their extreme with bigger numbers, bigger claims, safer more tested ideas, new ideas, easy, fast and simple results

45. Sharing intros with the team

46. Sharing title thumbnails with the team

47. Forcing myself to share scripts, thumbnails and titles with my friends and team

48. Creating 4 different ideas per video 

49. Make the photograph tell 90% of the story

50. Write an intro/hook first and base the thumbnail off that

51. Write an entire script and create a thumbnail from that, then redo the video if needed

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.