marketing funnel expert, marketing funnel, sell a marketing funnel, expert marketing funnel

How to justify yourself as an expert

By Mike Killen / May 30, 2019

Imagine you’re on stage speaking, or you’re at a networking event surrounded by loads of prospects. Or maybe you’re with a customer and you start talking them through a process that you’re supposed to be an expert in. And someone stops you, stands up points at you and says, “you don’t really know what you’re…

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what is a marketing funnel, explain a marketing funnel, marketing funnel definition, marketing funnel customer

How to explain what a marketing funnel is to your customers

By Mike Killen / September 13, 2018

We might know overall what a marketing funnel is. But I wanted to give a really high level overview of all the different systems and pieces in place, particularly if we want to explain the concept or the value of a marketing funnel to our customers. This is an edited transcript of my video on…

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building a webinar funnel, marketing funnel webinar, webinar marketing funnel, build a webinar

How to build high converting webinar funnels

By Mike Killen / May 24, 2018

In this post I’veoutlined to you our 7 step, 2 hour webinar funnel process. You’ll be able to build a funnel which attracts traffic and subscribers to sign up for a live or recorded training event. You’ll then be able to increase attendance as well as webinar sale conversions conversions. At Sell Your Service we…

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dont watch the news, information ignorance, information diet, news media unhappy

Why I proudly don’t watch the news or read the papers (and you shouldn’t either)

By Mike Killen / May 17, 2018

“You can’t be serious? How on Earth can you possibly call yourself educated and informed when you refuse to watch the news! You’re an intelligent boy Michael, I really expected better.” This particular customer wasn’t happy that I didn’t watch the news. I also admitted to not reading the newspapers, listening to the radio or…

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5 (non-funnel) tools I use in my funnel business that I couldn’t live without

By Mike Killen / February 28, 2018

In this blog post I’m going to talk about the 5 (non-funnel) tools that I use in my funnel business, that I couldn’t live without. You have no idea how easy it would have been for me to talk about 5, 15 or 50 marketing funnel tools that I use every single day. Beaver Funnels,…

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digital marketing experts, sell marketing funnels, sell funnels experts

Who the experts are. Where to find the BEST information from experts on marketing funnels

By Mike Killen / December 15, 2017

One of the most confusing areas of running an online business, or marketing funnel business (or any business for that matter), is knowing who to trust when it comes to advice. One of the biggest mistakes I made when first starting my business, was to listen to people who were on the same level as…

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take time off ill, take time off sick, run a business

What to do when you have to “call in sick” to your own business

By Mike Killen / December 11, 2017

Last night I knew that I’d feel pretty rough when I woke up this morning. I’ve had this post waiting in my drafts for a few months now, knowing that at some point, I’d be too ill to write a post. When we’re ill, if we’re employed we call up our manager or boss and…

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thug marketing language bullshit, marketing bullshit statements

Thug marketing language is the 2010’s equivalent of corporate jargon- stop using it

By Mike Killen / November 30, 2017

I love swearing as much as the next bloke. Just read any of my blog posts and it’s pretty likely that at some point I’ve cussed in the writing. Something I’m seeing more and more of however, is “thug marketing”. “We make great shit to help you sell more shit” Tell me you haven’t seen…

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10k marketing funnel, find marketing funnel customers, find marketing funnel projects,

The exact funnel sales process I use to get $10k+ funnel projects

By Mike Killen / November 23, 2017

Let’s not prat about here. You know why you’re reading this post. Know who I’m targeting Above all else, I know who I’m targeting. I know who is likely to spend $10k. My goal is a $10k funnel, so I’ll research my ass off looking for businesses that can afford a $10k funnel. I’ll segment…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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