20 steps to land a $25,000 client
1. Decide how much money you want/need to make 2. Divide that number by $25,000. That’s how many clients you need 3. Define a specific group of people that you’re going to help 4. They need 3 things: 1. To be able to afford you, 2. You can get them great results and 3. You…
Read MoreThis makes me $2000 a day
What if I told you that your agency could start making $2000 a day, every day, for years, like clockwork? Without spending thousands on ads, or years on building a personal brand. It took me YEARS to learn this secret and luckily for you, I want to share the unconventional method that I use that…
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At the start of the year my wife and I sit down and do some “numbers” together. We work out our bills, goals, expenses, income. That kind of stuff. It’s boring as hell. BUT – it shows us a very VERY important number. “The number we’re happy with.” We list out all the stuff that…
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Without question, the biggest challenge I’ve overcome in my business was (and still is) – total financial control. I used to find that money was like water. It’d slip through my hands and, no matter how much I had, I always seemed to end up with £0 in the bank account. No matter how big…
Read MorePIGS can unlock your finances
How would you like to guarantee more income than you have expenses, every single month? Sounds enticing, right? Before I reveal how, let me introduce you to my kitchen calendar featuring adorable piglets. Yes, piglets. I got this cheesy, cutesy calendar a few Christmases ago. Pictures of piglets in all their curly-tailed glory. You’d think…
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Hey there, I'm Mike (:
Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.
I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.
I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Have courage, commit and take action.
Mike Killen