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Our three killer posts will help you sell more marketing funnels to your customers.

sell funnel marketing proposal

How to sell monthly retainer marketing funnels to customers

charge price sell marketing funnel

How much should you charge for a marketing funnel?

Big life changing goals are your fuel for motivation

The $100K marketing funnel

Download our $100K marketing funnel plan. See how we made $100 000 in 30 days for one of our customers.

01. Every page

All the sales pages, landing pages and delivery pages in the funnel.

02. Every email

Each email we sent and what the purpose was for every single communication.

03. When we sent

The timing and days we sent each email and who we sent each communication to.

04. What we sent

The types of email, the segments we sent them to and the clear path to a sale that we crafted.


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Our latest content

Content silo marketing funnel automation

How ONLY writing 3 blog posts can increase conversions

By Mike Killen | September 29, 2016 |

When it’s time to take your inbound and content marketing to the next level, creating content silos are the next step. They help to drive leads and customers, as well as deliver automation –  with relatively little effort. Content silos allow WordPress businesses like you to make assumptions about your leads and customers, while increasing…

If You Don’t [blank] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | September 27, 2016 |

If You Don’t [blank] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you launch type email, that you …

How Any WordPress Business Can sell a marketing funnel to a customer

By Mike Killen | September 22, 2016 |

All Marketing Funnel Theory is about, is the way we as human beings interact with each other. Marketing funnels are much more intuitive than websites and help clients get the same job done (such as sales, lead generation and lead conversion) on automation and faster than creating traditional websites that often become stagnant and complacent…

In 5 days you could have result-free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | September 20, 2016 |

In 5 days you could have [result]– free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you traffic driving/ value stack type email, that you …

Promoting content to a small list audience

6 reasons to start promoting content – even to an audience of 4 people

By Mike Killen | September 15, 2016 |

A customer of mine, with over 200 well produced and quality videos, didn’t want to start promoting or posting those videos on YouTube because they only had 4 subscribers. “We want to have more subscribers before we start to put more videos on YouTube” How do you expect to grow your subscriber and follower base…

SERIOUSLY?! I forgot to give you this! – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | September 13, 2016 |

SERIOUSLY?! I forgot to give you this! – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and …

How we run client WordPress meetings

How we run client meetings

By Mike Killen | September 8, 2016 |

I run a lot of client meetings. I reckon that people find these more valuable than the content or marketing I create, because it keeps them accountable and shows what I’m working on. If there’s one thing that can seriously separate you from your competitiors, it’s your willingness to communicate regularly with your customers. How…

Stop commenting on facebook wordpress website work leads

Stop commenting on Facebook posts if you want WordPress customers

By Mike Killen | September 1, 2016 |

Or: How I stopped looking desperate in group posts. If you ever see posts in Facebook groups “I’m looking to get a site done, can anyone help me?” You’ll instantly see hundreds of comments from designers saying “send me a PM” or “I’ve messaged you, I can help”. This post is about how to avoid…

How I write more content every week than I can publish AND how I make it super easy.

By Mike Killen | August 25, 2016 |

I promise, that if you read this post, you’ll know exactly how to write ANY blog post, even if you feel you’re struggling from writers block. More importantly, all my content is part of a larger structure that generates me leads and drives growth in my business. Writing content is always hard. Sometimes we suffer…

Sell a wordpress marketing funnel webinar

6 best business based podcasts for WordPress businesses to listen to

By Mike Killen | August 18, 2016 |

There’s so much epic, helpful stuff out there that it can be a pain to try and sift through it all. I tend to get a lot of my inspiration, help and news from podcasts that I listen to in the car, out running, at the gym or procrastinating at home. The thing I love…