Content silos are fantastic way of increasing conversion rates with your blog posts.
The key to increasing email subscribers is offering lead magnets. However we can further increase conversion rates with content silos.
We’ve talked about content silos here before. At a high level, the idea is that if someone is reading content on card tricks, SEO or any other particular subject. It makes sense to offer them a lead magnet or content upgrade related to the topic subject they’re reading.
As we write more and more content, we want to offer lead magnets for every blog post.
We can automatically add relevant lead magnets to blog posts, within categories.
Category #1 can display optin forms for lead magnet #1. Category #2 can display optin forms for lead magnet #2 and so on.

We can offer optin forms across single or multiple categories.
Watch the video above to see how we’re creating optin forms and content silos across our agency website using OptinMonster.
Create your optin
Use OptinMonster to create your optin. Publish the optin and assign the correct website for your optin.
Enable optin on site
Head over to your WordPress site and click on OptinMonster. Select the optin you want to show and select Enable optin on site.
DON’T automatically add after post
Uncheck Automatically add after post? to make sure that your optin will ONLY appear after the posts with the categories that you select.
Select load optin on post categories
Open Advanced settings and select the category or categories that you want the optin form to appear under.
You can also select individual pages, posts and URLs if there is a very specific content update or lead magnet.
Apply category to blog post
Finally, make sure that you assign the category to your blog post. Publish or update your post to see your blog post have a specific OptinMonster optin form at the end. That’s the start of your content silo!
Have you used content silos before? Are you planning on using them? What other plugins and tools do you use, to create optins and content silos?
Let me know in the comments below.