How to make actual passive income as an agency

By Mike Killen / June 17, 2024

Passive, recurring income is like…the golden holy grail of running an agency. Let me break down how you can actually, realistically do this AND show you the plan I used to create a business that supports my life and goals. So first I think it’s important to understand how most agencies (indeed, most businesses) work…

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The Myth of Solo Content Giants Exposed

By Mike Killen / June 11, 2024

Ever wondered how the titans of content creation churn out endless streams of material?  The answer isn’t what you think.  Let’s shatter some illusions today.  You’ve been fed a narrative that prolific content creators, like Alex Hormozi, are solo maestros orchestrating an endless symphony of content.  But here’s the cold, hard truth: it’s a facade.…

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Why Peloton sucks

By Mike Killen / May 29, 2024

Let me tell you a story.  When I first started my journey in content marketing, my main focus was always on showcasing my product.  I spent countless hours polishing, perfecting, and presenting it.  But no matter how much I polished, it didn’t seem to resonate with my audience the way I expected.  I was shouting…

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Building a $425,000,000 marketing empire

By Mike Killen / April 24, 2024

Over the weekend my team let me know that we hit a significant milestone. To date, we have helped over 17,000 people sell their products or services for over $25,000. I remember when my goal was to help 1000 people do it. I thought “If I do that, then I’ll have created $25,000,000 in value…

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Write a KILLER case study

By Mike Killen / April 18, 2024

When Chris first started working with us, he was DROWNING in work. His problem was not getting more leads or clients. If anything, he had way too MANY clients. The problem was that he was servicing them all and managing a team at the same time. He was a victim of his own success. Or–…

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Don’t be unique or creative

By Mike Killen / April 10, 2024

There are three main ways that I measure the success of my work. Number 3 is kind of a vanity metric, because of course views don’t always turn into revenue. But in my case, they can do because I make money from YouTube ads and I know that views on my YouTube content often convert…

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You’re Invisible Online Because You’re Doing It All Wrong

By Mike Killen / February 7, 2024

You’re putting in the work, and posting content, but getting zilch. You know why? Growing up, my Mum was always on my case about eating my vegetables. “Good for you,” she’d say, and yet, I had zero motivation to eat them. And today we know that more people need to eat more fresh vegetables. So…

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You deserve more sales

By Mike Killen / January 22, 2024

There comes a time when standing up for what you believe in isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. A time when the stakes are high and the impact is even higher My moment came when I looked around and I saw talented people, striving to earn a decent living by selling their unique offerings. But…

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Why Do Businesses Succeed?

By Mike Killen / July 29, 2021

I’ve worked for a lot of big corporations, really big corporations. Frankly, they make a lot of very simple marketing mistakes. In this blog post, I want to talk about the seven marketing mistakes that big corporate businesses make, how you can compete with them, and what your advantages are by staying small. Remember, a…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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