Getting started is the hardest part… here’s how to make it easy

They say the hardest part of going to the gym is putting your trainers on.

I totally agree.

Without question, the hardest part about working out at 5am…is waking up at 5am.

My bed is warm. I’m cozy and surrounded by soft luxurious pillows.

My garage or gym is cold.

I have to get changed, wake up and warm up.

And my reward for getting up early? 

Painful sweaty workouts where I strain and stretch and push myself to be better.

Hardly a dream scenario.

Why would anyone want that?

The answer is simple – delayed gratification.

I don’t see progress in the morning or even on that day.

I don’t even see progress that week, maybe even that month.

In fact, unless I track and measure things (which I do) I wouldn’t see progress at all.

But eventually, long down the road, it pays off.

 I don’t get up and start something at 5am because I want today to be better.

I do it so that next YEAR is better.

I believe that your “next year” has already happened. You’re just not seeing it yet.

The work you do today doesn’t pay off until a year or further in the future.

It’s a compound effect. Over a long enough period of time, the work you do today, pays off longer down the road.

I could have a few hours extra sleep today or tomorrow.

Or I could have the strength and physique I want next year.

I could put off the work I need to do, for immediate comfort.

Or I could grit my teeth, accept that it will be uncomfortable and sluggish and slow.

AND have a better day a year from now.

You’ve already had your 2023. It’s already been and gone. That’s how long we’re looking.

Your daily habits and tasks pay off months, years in the future.

And so what drives me to START at 5am, is knowing that I won’t see the results until next year. 

Little and often, over and over. 1% here and there, each day.

That’s how we build life changing events further down the road.

So start today, because you need as much of a run up as possible.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.