Working More Isn’t the Answer, Saying ‘No’ Is!

Picture this: Four years ago, I was the epitome of the work-hard mantra.

Every waking hour was devoted to work, yet I felt like I was running in place.

My calendar? A colourful mosaic of commitments, none of them mine.

Then, a revelation from a friend: “That’s not your calendar.”

Confused, I realised he was right. It was a collage of ‘Yes’ to everyone but me.

I had to start saying ‘no’.

And the change was astounding.

More time emerged, like land from a receding tide, for my work, my goals.

This led to an eye-opening truth: It’s not about working more hours.

It’s about working the right hours.

Saying ‘no’ became my most powerful tool.

It wasn’t about filling every hour but choosing what filled them.

By saying ‘no’, I crafted a schedule that mirrored my priorities, not others’.

Isn’t it time we valued our time as much as we value others’ requests?

It’s not the quantity of hours worked but the quality of those hours that counts.

So, are you ready to say ‘no’ to unlock your potential?

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.