marketing funnel, website builder, marketing funnel website, sell a marketing funnel

Why is a marketing funnel better than a website?

By Mike Killen / November 16, 2017

We’ve already got a website Mike, so why would we need a marketing funnel? In this blog post we’re going to explore why a customer should use a marketing funnel from you as opposed to just a static website. Fuck brochure websites Many businesses believe that a “brochure website” is enough to attract prospects and…

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7 motivational hacks for monday, funnel builder motivation,

7 motivation hacks that turbo charge your Monday morning

By Mike Killen / November 13, 2017

Contrary to many business owners and even normal people. Mondays are my favourite day of the week. The reason I love Mondays is because it gives me a chance to exercise all the ideas and planning that my subconscious and conscious mind have been brewing over the weekend. There is always so much to do…

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marketing funnel niche, choose a funnel niche, marketing funnel builders

If you want to discover the perfect niche for your marketing funnel business, treat it like my ex-girlfriend Sam

By Mike Killen / November 9, 2017

We’re going to discover the simple way to craft a niche for your marketing funnel business. If you want to discover the perfect niche for your marketing funnel business, treat them like my ex-girlfriend, Sam There are 2 main problems when choosing a niche for a marketing funnel business. Have you chosen the right niche…

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6 excuses, stop doing anyhting, build amrketing funnel, start a business, write a blot

6 excuses you tell yourself to stop doing anything (and how to fix them)

By Mike Killen / November 6, 2017

Several times a week, I receive an email from someone asking me “how do I get so much done?” At one point or another, I have had the exact same 6 excuses you tell yourself, to stop me doing anything. I’m going to tell you how to get over those 6 excuses that are preventing…

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sell marketing funnels, marketing funnel sales, marketing funnel projects, sales mistakes

5 shocking mistakes killing your marketing funnel project sales

By Mike Killen / October 5, 2017

Are you making these five shocking mistakes that are killing your marketing funnel project sales? It just doesn’t make sense. You work long hours, give hundred percent every day, follow all the gurus online and yet-you still struggled to make an close marketing funnel project sales. What gives? Have you ever felt that your marketing…

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failure universe fuel commitment want it

You fail at things because you didn’t want it badly enough

By Mike Killen / September 18, 2017

When we fail at a task or goal, we’re often quick to blame all the external circumstances for why we didn’t achieve what we wanted. It was too expensive, we didn’t have the support or experience, we don’t need to change that much. There are hundreds of excuses and reasons for not seeing something through.…

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choosing a marketing funnel niche

How to decide the niche for your funnel business once and for all

By Mike Killen / September 14, 2017

Choose a niche for your funnel business. Niche down. Create a sub-niche. Find a micro niche. All good advice but how can funnel builders really choose a niche AND stick to it. There are literally THOUSANDS of agencies and funnel builder businesses out there. Why should someone choose you over anyone else? What does your…

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how to discover your purpose universe fuel

How to discover your purpose

By Mike Killen / August 29, 2017

So what is your purpose? What’s your vision for yourself and your place in the world? It’s a terrifying and existential question which can’t be easily answered. Most people go their entire lives without knowing what their purpose is. Most of us have been taught to be grateful, accept what we’re given and be happy…

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niche marketing, category, marketing funnel coaching, category design, marketing funnel niche,

108 niches that marketing funnel businesses could become kings in

By Mike Killen / August 10, 2017

If you want to discover endless depth to your market, you need to get very specific about your niche. I’ve lost count of how many marketing businesses will offer advice like “you need to niche down”, but when they themselves are asked about their customer, they’ll respond with “any small business really”. Amateurs. The fastest…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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