I guarantee you’ll read this

By Mike Killen / May 3, 2024

I’ve stumbled across this AMAZING free resource that has totally changed how I create subject lines, copy, headlines, titles, video ideas and even how I pitch expensive projects to my private clients. If you’re ever struggling to get your ideas across and “sell” the idea of something, you’ll want to pay attention to this. You…

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[Free email template] How to deal with customers who want to cancel a care plan

By Mike Killen / March 26, 2020

“I want to cancel my care plan” I’m going to share with you WHY customers try to quit care plans at a time like this and what you can say and do to prevent it (or even get them to spend more with you). I’ve also got a free email template (with no optin required)…

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Recurring Revenue Retreat: A Retrospective Review

By Mike Killen / September 26, 2019

Right. Reviewing the Recurring Revenue Retreat (or R3) righteously or even responsibly would be realistically remissive of me. I promise I won’t alliterate the entire review. R3 was conceived in 2017 when Kristina Romero had the idea to bring awesome speakers, with incredible businesses and focus on the concept of recurring revenue, rather than a…

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The most overused word on the internet. Stop using it.

By Mike Killen / April 11, 2019

I was at an event last week and listened to a talk by Andrea Zoellner on microcopy and user experience (KILLER talk by the way – I’m looking to get her on the podcast). One of the questions asked was “what is your most hated or overused word” and a few answers like disruptive, impactful…

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Earn as much as you want

By Mike Killen / April 4, 2019

You’re more than capable of earning as much as you want, need and could ever dream of. You might not be in a great financial situation right now, you might be doing OK, you might be earning everything you want. The point, is that no matter where you are now – today – you can…

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Why some funnel businesses succeed (and others don’t)

By Mike Killen / March 21, 2019

What is it that makes some businesses successful and some businesses fail? Even though you might all start at the same time, some of you aren’t going to be around in six months, some of you aren’t going to be around in a year or two years. And the truth is only one thing that…

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film youtube smartphone, youtube smartphone videos,

How to film YouTube videos with a smartphone

By Mike Killen / March 14, 2019

A few months back I went with Liv to a race (she runs a lot) on Dartmoor in Devon, England. It’s basically where Hound Of The Baskervilles is set. Wild unclaimed moorland with bogs and huge granite outcrops, peppered with forests and lakes and rivers. While beautiful and a wonderful tourist destination, it’s not without…

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marketing funnel tactics, marketing funnels, tactics, vision, marketing funnel vision

I never worry about marketing funnel tactics

By Mike Killen / February 14, 2019

It’s all about blogging right! Or SEO. Of course it’s SEO. Then again remarketing is a big deal too. Should you use Facebook videos ads or should you focus on a podcast?  No matter what marketing tactics hit the scene, every 6 months there is a massive shift in what’s hot and what’s old. For…

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Christmas planning, reflection,

🎵It’s my most favourtist tiiiiiime, of the year🎶

By Mike Killen / December 24, 2018

Christmas really is a special time of year. Even if you’re not part of a Western Judeo-Christian community, it falls around a celestial solstice which impacts the weather, daylight and is an all-round signifier of change. It’s around this time of year, when everything is a bit crazy, that we find time to reflect and…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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