Following up does not mean “chasing”
This is a common mistake that many businesses make. Both in terms of execution and understanding. Chasing a customer is when they have something of value that you want. You’re chasing them to give you something, therefore they have something of high value. People chase things they can’t get and it often makes you look…
Read MoreUse this email template to raise your prices (and keep your customers)
Use this email template to increase your prices by 20% and keep your customers happy
Read MoreFunnel builders! Stop charging per hour (because it’s killing your funnel business)
Marketing funnel businesses need to stop charging per hour, because it’s killing your business.
Read MoreHere’s the biggest reason that people CAN’T spend $10k on your funnels
If you can’t help someone find $10 000, then you don’t deserve $10 000. Simple as that. If you’ve ever read an email where a customer says they can’t afford the $10 000 price tag, there’s one reason it’s true. You’re incapable of finding the $10 000 for your customer. I’m going to show you…
Read MoreHow to help customers see a budget from YOUR perspective (real customer transcript)
Originally the title for this post was “how I magically created a 99000% ROI ($2.5 million) from a $2500 spend. That title is absolutely clickbait and was supposed to be a clever response to a particular customer I was thinking about. This instead, is a transcript (edited) of a conversation I had with a customer…
Read MoreHow funnel builders can cover tool and software costs without being out of pocket
How should you charge your customers for services like autoresponder use, plugins, software, outsourcing and anything else you have to buy? When we build funnels, of any size or scope for customers, it isn’t as clear as building just one thing for them. We might have to set up a CRM or autoresponder for them…
Read MoreYou’re afraid to price profitably and it’s killing you.
Lot’s of people think that I believe everything should be $20 000. Marketing funnels, websites, consultation, eBooks, courses, napkins. That’s not entirely true, I believe you should charge $20 000 for $20 000’s work. Everything your marketing funnel business does should be profitable. Bar none. A $19 eBook should be as profitable as a $20…
Read MoreWhat to do when a customer says “that funnel is too expensive”.
You’ve booked the call and got a meeting with the customer. But when you put the proposal and price in front of them – they tell you it’s too expensive. This is the #1 fear of all funnel builders. That the price they put in front of the customer, will be seen as too expensive.…
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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.
I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.
I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Have courage, commit and take action.
Mike Killen