Troy Dean
Start with the big T-rex himself. Troy Dean has been running WP Elevation for a few years now. At it’s core, he and his team teach WordPress businesses how to be profitable and awesome.
Troy is himself a very talented digital marketer with practical and specific methods to help WordPress businesses run better.
There is a membership program (of which I am a proud graduate), which has an INCREDIBLE course. But also the community attached to WP Elevation is smart, dedicated and helpful. Definitely one to watch.
Particularly awesome at…WordPress based businesses and breaking down the often complicated process to building a business based around WordPress.
Ryan Deiss
Ryan Deiss is the single reason that my marketing automation programs are so profitable. Ryan is the CEO of Digital Marketer. Which again is a membership program that teaches businesses how to do more broad digital markeitng activities.
Ryan is smart, warm and great to listen to. There’s something very down to earth about the methods he explains, but the practices themselves are super powerful.
Again, the DM community is very very helpful. It’s not often you can post to a group of experts asking about PPC and get blog posts, templates and advice back in a few minutes.
Particularly awesome at…Providing a broad toolset for 99% of digital marketing activities. If there’s something they haven’t written about, their community is fantastic at helping out.
Frank Kern
Now we’re talking about a big hitter here. If you haven’t heard of Frank Kern, he is basically the President of the Internet.
Frank is the highest earning digital marketer on the planet. His programs and methods are 2nd to none and he’s ALWAYS giving away free stuff.
Frank taught me that all I need to do is help people solve problems. If I can solve a specific and problematic situation, people will pay me, and that feels GREAT.
Want to know how awesome Frank is? He teaches the guys like Ryan and Troy how to do what they do.
Particularly awesome at…showing business models and process for digital markeitng based businesses.
Neil Patel
Neil is a Londoner who has set up QuickSprout, Crazy Egg AND KISSmetrics. All of Neil’s content is outstanding. His blogs alone are powerful and insightful.
If you want to learn more about SEO, metrics and data-driven marketing – check out Neil.
Particularly awesome at…SEO and social media practices that work and generate revenue.
Gary Vaynerchuk
I only discovered Gary a few months ago. But WOAH is his content powerful. Gary is the type of guy you listen to when you’re at your wits end.
He has got some EPIC content on YouTube AND he’s a big proponent of just getting off your ass and doing something.
You can even ask him questions and he’ll answer them.
Particularly awesome at…genuinely inspirational and practical advice on running any business, not just digital marketing and media.
AM I MENTAL?! Have I missed anyone that I should follow? Or are these guys already on your Twitter favorites list?
Let me know in the comments below.
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