The dumb secret to making more sales

By Mike Killen / May 14, 2024

Have you ever wondered “How can I sell more of my best products!?” My client asked a similar question.  And that’s because she and thousands of other agency owners are making a massive error which costs them tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe even more. It’s also the reason that some of your customers are…

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Webinar funnel basic map

By Mike Killen / October 30, 2020

This is the basic webinar funnel that I use for my business. If you want to watch how I put it together, check out this video:

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how to write an email marketing strategy

How to write an email marketing strategy

By Mike Killen / September 25, 2020

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to write an email marketing strategy. We’re going to cover: writing daily emails to a list launching campaigns sales campaigns automation campaigns I’m going to give you an example campaign all for learning how to write an email marketing strategy for your customers or for…

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find leads for marketing funnel business

How To Find More Leads For Your Marketing Funnel Business

By Mike Killen / September 18, 2020

In this post I’m going to outline a very simple but repeatable and effective method for generating leads for your marketing funnel business. This method for lead generation works best when you’re new to the game, struggling to find leads now or have a few leads but nothing much on the horizon. Stop asking for…

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Is helping someone worth being disliked?

By Mike Killen / September 10, 2020

The fear of being disliked by people is, in my opinion, the number one reason why people fail to take action. Or, it’s the number one reason that people fear changing at all.  Many cultures have a philosophy of “wind your neck in” or not sticking your head above the parapet. Don’t get too big for your boots. Know your place,…

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What should your funnel business focus on?

By Mike Killen / August 28, 2020

Focus on Facebook ads.Focus on blog posts.Focus on content promotion.Focus on networking. I could list 100 other things that you’re supposed to “focus” on. As businesses owners and entrepreneurs, it’s a never ending merry-go-round that gets faster and faster, but never arrives anywhere. I’d love to tell you that I have the secret. The final…

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Here’s a 40,000 foot view of my content strategy

By Mike Killen / August 14, 2020

Write first and get clever later Create content on my own platform Double down on topics – don’t be afraid to repeat Figure out the money later Do it 1000 times I never realised how much stuff I leave until “later”. There are 3 things I DON’T focus on with my content strategy. Making money…

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Identify your niche, understand what your customers want

By Mike Killen / August 7, 2020

Rule one of selling marketing funnels is “don’t talk about marketing funnels”. The more you spend time talking about marketing automation, squeeze pages, mobile responsiveness and all the other deliverables of the marketing funnel, the more you’ll turn a customer off. I understand why we do this. It’s because we want to help our customers…

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sell social media marketing

How to sell social media marketing to your customers

By Mike Killen / July 31, 2020

In this blog post I’m going to give you five killer methods to selling social media marketing to your customers. If you want to learn how to sell social media marketing to your customers, or start a social media marketing agency, this blog post is going to outline the reasons that people by social media,…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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