In my experience, most people spend a ton of money on ads with a beautiful and sophisticated sales funnel, only for it to lose money when it’s live.
Here’s why this method doesn’t work.
Imagine going camping with your mate and you both decide to build a campfire so you can put the kettle on, and have a cuppa.
If your mate insists on building the campfire, they might use expensive specialist tinder, and use all the clever tricks and hacks that their favourite YouTubers talk about like cotton soaked in paraffin, fatwood and firelighters.
Then they build up the kindling with small branches.
And on top of that, they put the firewood and finally they place the kettle over the campfire, and wait for it to heat up and boil.
But there’s a glaring and obvious mistake, right?
You’ve missed a step.
Because the kettle isn’t boiling.
So your friend, who has watched all these YouTubers and influencers, decides what this fire needs….
Is more fuel.
So he gets some petrol and starts to pour the petrol all over the fire.
Plus a few more firewood logs for good measure.
But the kettle still doesn’t boil!
Is your friends’ problem the wood or the fuel or the water?
Or is it something else?
Because it doesn’t matter how much more fuel you add to the fire if it’s not lit it won’t boil the kettle.
Advertising will only get you what you’re already getting.
Advertising is the fuel.
Do not use it for testing a new product.
Yes, some marketers do use advertising as a fast method to test new offers.
But they have money to burn.
You don’t.
So instead, we need to create something totally different that bucks the common trend of giving Mark Zuckerberg more money, and instead, starts to make you more money.