THE magic bullet process

This is the truth about the secret magic bullet process that’s going to fix all your problems.

If you’re looking for the best process or steps – read this.

I spend a lot of time trying to learn the best “way”.

Maybe you’re like me and you want to learn from the best.

People who have done it before, and try to understand their process so you can get to where you want to be.

Want to be a millionaire? What did other millionaires do?

And it seems like for every goal there’s a magic process that the gurus and experts have found, that you should copy.

But I’ve recently learned something that might challenge that approach.

What I find is that I want to get from A to B. I don’t see it as a straight line, but a series of steps.

And of course, I want to understand what those steps are.

I always feel that when I learn a new process, it’s very janky and uncoordinated.

Like I’ve cobbled together some parts that work.

There’s a feeling that step 1 might be “think of title ideas” or “book a call” and I might not naturally feel good at it.

And compared to the expert, who seems like a natural, I look uncoordinated and it feels…clumsy.

Ever felt like that?

There’s a TON of stuff that I have to do, which always feels awkward and slow and kind of like I’m just cobbling it all together.

The things I do which feel natural and even easy, I always feel annoyed when a part of the process doesn’t use something I’m talented at.

Something like coming up with a new YouTube video idea might have 100 steps (really) and I’m naturally good at maybe 3 of them.

All the other steps need guides and documents and examples and tasks and mini-steps.

They always feel like they’re slowing the process down.

I imagine that the pros who do this day in/day out are able to FLY through all these steps.

And I always wish that I could magically adapt and become them and then all of a sudden, the process would be easier.

But here’s the thing.

The jank and the awkward bit and the cobbled together stuff…

That is the process.

The way YOU do things is the process. It’s what adds your flavour and touch to all your projects.

Van Neistat (if you don’t know him, he’s Casey’s older brother and big film nerd), he says that he heard a talk from Steve Martin about how all the post-it notes and chaos and scraps of paper that LOOK like madness – that IS your process.

Experts in any field have a chaotic crazy list to accomplish a task.

Most of the time it’s just in their head.

So it doesn’t LOOK like there’s tons of “stuff” going on.

But there is.

Embrace the jank – that’s YOUR way of doing things.

The way you awkwardly overcome a problem IS the process.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.