Why are all these kids more rich than you?

Spend 8 minutes online and you’ll be bombarded by videos, adverts and posts from 22 year olds who have “cracked the code” and promise you that they’re making $10M a month with “this one simple offer”.

And I don’t know about you, but this would confuse me MASSIVELY.

What was I doing wrong?

Where was I failing?

What were these guys doing differently that I was missing out on?

And it turns out there are two specific things that they do.

One of which is to do with how they sell (that you can copy).

And one of which is called *checks notes* scamming and lying to people.

We all assume that these guys must be doing something illegal.

You’ve been doing this for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.

You’ve NEVER seen numbers like they’re hitting.

So part of you has always presumed that they’re either lying or scamming people.

And you’re not wrong, but…

It’s not as simple as that.

I’m not going to name any names here.

But YouTube is AWASH with seemingly successful young people (men mainly), who are “crushing it” with this one simple model.

Especially in the agency space.

So I decided to spend some time researching what they teach, what they sell and how they sell it.

And the results were extremely interesting.

Let’s start with how they sell first, before moving to the lying and scamming part.

There is ONE thing that they do, that you can copy, without scamming people.

It’s not hype selling or pressure selling, it’s not spammy or scammy.

What they’re EXTREMELY good at, is attracting the right people with the right offer.

Have you ever looked at these guys and asked yourself “What do they actually sell?” 

Is it a course or a coaching program or something?

Are they an affiliate (ugh – imagine)?

But that’s kind of my point.

They don’t sell what they do.

They’re selling an appealing lifestyle and a solution to a problem.

Absolutely the argument should be made that they attract teenagers and other young men, too naive to realise that they are buying into a pipe dream.

Take a guy called “Hamza” for example. 

I’ve only looked at his stuff from a research perspective.

His entire “thing” is self-improvement.

So he sells a course on how to make money with self improvement.

And his course…teaches people how to make courses about self improvement.

Not entirely bad on the surface but the majority of his audience are 15 – 21 year olds.

People with the least amount of experience in “self improvement” on the planet.

Another angle he takes is getting his audience to start a channel, talk about self improvement and sell his course to their audience.

Again, not a terrible idea. I’m an affiliate myself.

But I’m sure you can see the problem with getting a 19 year old to talk about self improvement, to other 19 year olds who talk about self improvement.

The majority of these guys sell a course that shows you how to sell their course.

But, they’re successful because they KNOW their audience and they know what they want.

As for the scam side…

Again, I’ve only viewed any of this moron’s content from a sheer research perspective.

Andrew “I am a giant fuckwad” Tate’s course and program is – and I cannot overstate this – absolutely fucking awful.

Truly, it’s some of the most poorly written, middle of the road dull and out of date content on the planet.

Part of the problem is that when you look up to someone, and you spend money on them, you can convince yourself that it was worth it.

This is known as the sunk cost fallacy.

The sunk cost fallacy occurs when people continue to invest in something because they have already invested significant time, effort, or money, regardless of the current costs or benefits.

This bias often leads individuals to justify and defend their choices to avoid the psychological discomfort of admitting a mistake.

So what can you do?

  1. Sell the outcome. Sell the benefits. Sell what they want. Sell the FUTURE. It works on everyone.
  2. Ignore all this shit – it basically isn’t real.

Remember Tai Lopez? What’s that joker up to now?

Fuck all.

Because he was spending hundreds of thousands a month on ads just to sell his shit content to people too naive to know better.

And now, he can’t afford to keep paying those ads because people realised his course and content was absolute garbage.

I’ve fallen for this stuff before.

We all have.

There’s no shame in investing in yourself.

But trust me. 

Aside from having a very wealthy Mummy and Daddy (some big players in the agency YouTuber space seem to forget to mention that when they talk about starting a business) these guys aren’t doing anything special that you’re not capable of.

Focus on your race, and run that.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.