universe input vision boards goals

Why vision boards don’t work (and how to fix it) to get what you want

By Mike Killen / July 3, 2017

Have you ever completed a vision board, or read The Secret and still struggled to get what you deserve or desire? We’re going to explore the very simple reason why vision boards, goals and wishlists don’t work. A vision board, goal board or wishlist is essentially a principle that says you have to visualise where…

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selling marketing funnels with webinars

Using webinars to sell your service

By Mike Killen / June 30, 2017

Selling marketing services and funnel projects can be tough. How do you engage with your potential clients? How can you transform your services from “nice to have” to “I want this more than anything ever!”? I’m going to show you exactly how to use webinars to sell marketing funnels, marketing services and any of your…

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how to sell price consulting marketing funnels

How to sell and price consultation

By Mike Killen / June 29, 2017

“It’s a 45 minute call! How can you look me in the eye and charge that much?!” Is hearing that the biggest reason you’re not offering consultation? Consultation is a MASSIVE opportunity for funnel builders and their businesses. It’s scalable, easy to deliver and doesn’t require any building in order to do it. I’m going…

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find the perfect funnel customer qualification

What does the perfect funnel client look like?

By Mike Killen / June 23, 2017

I’m going to tell you how to find the perfect customers, target them and make sure you only speak to customers that you can help. I’m also going to share our customer qualifier questions for our marketing funnel customers. There’s no doubt that every business in the world can benefit from marketing funnels. However, there…

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marketing funnel content restart engine

Content restart engine

By Mike Killen / June 22, 2017

Taken some time off writing content and you know you need to get back into it? Follow this plan to start your regular blogging and content creation back up again. I recently took some time off for my 30th birthday (I know! So old and wise now). I was in Paris for a WordCamp and…

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ryan deiss interview call booked

How I landed an interview with Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer

By Mike Killen / June 19, 2017

A few weeks back, I managed to book an interview with Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer. Currently, we’re in talks with other big names in the marketing, entrepreneur and business space. I want to interview people who have really made a difference in the digital marketing space. Men and women who are helping people set…

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funnel builders beat competition

99 things you can do to get a competitive advantage (because your competition aren’t doing them)

By Mike Killen / June 13, 2017

We’re constantly being told to “go where the competition aren’t”. Protip: This isn’t some magical watering hole where all your customers are hanging out. Somewhere that your competition aren’t going to or don’t know about. Your competition are humans too. They’re lazy, fearful and unfocused. Which is where you can find enormous competitive advantages if…

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win larger budget customers marketing funnel agency

How we’re winning big budget clients

By Mike Killen / June 9, 2017

Join me in the car as I talk through how we won a $14500 a month funnel customer! We didn’t invent a lot of technologies and processes that we use. We’re also in a very competitive market. So how have we managed to talk our way into some big clients with big budgets? 1. We’re…

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profitable marketing funnel business

7 steps to running a profitable marketing funnel business

By Mike Killen / June 5, 2017

So you’ve decided to run a marketing funnel business, but of course, you want it to be profitable. What are the cardinal rules for building a profitable marketing funnel business? It’s nothing to do with new technology or using every new tool. It’s not about being on every social media platform in the world or…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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