60% done is done

By Mike Killen / July 4, 2024

Good enough is good enough. 100% complete and “done” is never ever going to happen. We had plans for a sophisticated and detailed coaching program for agencies on how to build revenue and land clients, complete with workbooks, coaching calls, office hours, AI tools, community forums, and more. And as we kept adding more and…

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Stop giving me advice about cancer

By Mike Killen / July 1, 2024

You’re killing your credibility when you talk about things outside your wheelhouse. Here’s how to fix it. Bear with me on this one, because it delves into prejudice, assumptions and judgement. All of which are things we like to think that we’re above. So I was at a networking event a little while back and…

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12 lessons from 12 years

By Mike Killen / June 19, 2024

I’ve been running a business for 12 years. These are the most important lessons I’ve learned.

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Close a $25,000 project with no proposal

By Mike Killen / June 18, 2024

In the last 2 years, I’ve closed (personally) over $700,000 worth of coaching, marketing, service and consulting proposals EACH with a price tag of around $25,000. I don’t write a proposal. I don’t give an estimate or portfolio. I do it with an extremely simple and straightforward call method where the customer asks to buy…

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Embracing My $100K Mistake: The Growth Story

By Mike Killen / May 30, 2024

I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.  I sold to the wrong people.  The pain was unbearable.  Initially, the instinct was to play the blame game.  Blame the people, their actions, anything but me.  But in the core of my heart, I knew the truth – it was my mistake. In my zeal to grow,…

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The Real “Catch” in Client Attraction?

By Mike Killen / May 28, 2024

Felt like your client base was a sea of tiny, ill-suited fish when all you wanted was a big, healthy adult fish?  You know, the kind that truly values your services and contributes significantly to your business growth.  I’ve been there, and I’ve discovered the perfect bait. Here’s a little story that puts things into…

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Be an expert in your customers, not your product

By Mike Killen / May 22, 2024

The most common question I’m asked by people starting a business (like an agency) is… “What should I become an expert in?” And every one of these questions misses the point. YOU shouldn’t become an expert in ANY of the delivery. YOU should become an expert in 2 things. Imagine training to be the world’s…

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Read THIS to know your next move

By Mike Killen / May 13, 2024

I want to talk about something that lots of agencies ignore, which could be the difference between making a few thousand dollars and a few hundred thousand dollars. If you follow this, it’ll categorically prove exactly what you need to sell more of, what you can ignore, and what you need to focus on. Back…

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Make $80,000 with almost zero effort

By Mike Killen / May 10, 2024

I’m here to tell you that the type of agency you set up – has absolutely nothing to do with the success of your business. Because every YouTuber and influencer and marketing guru out there will tell you that you need to start a short form content agency, or social media marketing agencies or the…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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