universefuel motivation lesson

15 ACTUALLY motivational lessons that are practical and useful

By Mike Killen / July 17, 2017

To anyone who knows me or is reading this. It’s obvious that I’ve got everything figured out. Motivational posts, quotes and books are a dime a dozen. But my big problem is that they make me feel good for about 4 minutes. Then I go back to playing Civilisation 6 and feeling like I need…

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work out prupose direction motivation

I just can’t work out my purpose

By Mike Killen / July 10, 2017

I’ve been receiving emails like this for a while now. I talk about Universe Fuel, Motivation, Direction, Purpose. But sometimes we really struggle to figure out what it is we want to do. What’s my purpose? Why aren’t I motivated? What if I don’t want to change the world? If you feel directionless, no motivation,…

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universe input vision boards goals

Why vision boards don’t work (and how to fix it) to get what you want

By Mike Killen / July 3, 2017

Have you ever completed a vision board, or read The Secret and still struggled to get what you deserve or desire? We’re going to explore the very simple reason why vision boards, goals and wishlists don’t work. A vision board, goal board or wishlist is essentially a principle that says you have to visualise where…

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failure business marketing funnels

Dealing with failure

By Mike Killen / June 26, 2017

“HOW? HOW are you always so positive? So upbeat?! It’s easy for you Mike, you have it so easy. Everything works out for you. You travel, you bought a house, you have people follow you online.” Oli was getting a little pissed at me over our chai-latte (I know! The most chill of all the…

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ryan deiss interview call booked

How I landed an interview with Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer

By Mike Killen / June 19, 2017

A few weeks back, I managed to book an interview with Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer. Currently, we’re in talks with other big names in the marketing, entrepreneur and business space. I want to interview people who have really made a difference in the digital marketing space. Men and women who are helping people set…

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sell funnels and feel better yourself helpful

The fastest way to start feeling better about yourself, is to…

By Mike Killen / May 22, 2017

Maybe you’re just feeling groggy, almost like you’ve got a hangover. Or maybe you don’t know if your business is headed in the right direction. But I’m going to teach you the fastest method IN THE WORLD for feeling better about yourself, your business and what you’re doing day-to-day. Sometimes we can feel a little…

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work overwhelmed

What to do when you’re overwhelmed with work, tasks, customers and more

By Mike Killen / May 8, 2017

Building and selling marketing funnels is a demanding job. Combined with running our own businesses, we can sometimes feel overwhelmed with all our commitments. I’m going to show you exactly what I do when I’m overwhelmed with work, customers, tasks, support tickets, problems and more. Rip that plaster (band-aid) right off If you leave your…

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productivity day off sell funnel team hire outsource

Why taking the day off is the most productive thing you can do

By Mike Killen / April 27, 2017

What if you could take the day off and still have a productive day? I’m going to show you how, in 10 steps you can take the day off, hire someone to do that work and start to outsource the parts of your job you shouldn’t be doing. If you can’t take holidays, days off…

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bed-itus motivation no work depression

What to do about those days you just don’t feel like working.

By Mike Killen / April 24, 2017

We all have them. Days where we wake up and just can’t face the laptop. I’m going to show you my method for dealing with those days, where you just don’t feel like working. WARNING: Some of this post is pretty exposing so let’s play nice. Crushing guilt The real kicker with these types of…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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