Why I don’t work with celebrities

By Mike Killen / May 1, 2024

A few years back I thought I had landed the client of a lifetime when a well known author, speaker, and “influencer” asked me to help them with driving more members to the community. At first, I was blown away by the offer.  I suppose it was a mixture of being starstruck, admiring and looking…

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Is helping someone worth being disliked?

By Mike Killen / September 10, 2020

The fear of being disliked by people is, in my opinion, the number one reason why people fail to take action. Or, it’s the number one reason that people fear changing at all.  Many cultures have a philosophy of “wind your neck in” or not sticking your head above the parapet. Don’t get too big for your boots. Know your place,…

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[Free email template] How to deal with customers who want to cancel a care plan

By Mike Killen / March 26, 2020

“I want to cancel my care plan” I’m going to share with you WHY customers try to quit care plans at a time like this and what you can say and do to prevent it (or even get them to spend more with you). I’ve also got a free email template (with no optin required)…

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Following up does not mean “chasing”

By Mike Killen / March 12, 2020

This is a common mistake that many businesses make. Both in terms of execution and understanding.  Chasing a customer is when they have something of value that you want. You’re chasing them to give you something, therefore they have something of high value. People chase things they can’t get and it often makes you look…

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guarantee results marketing funnels, marketing funnel results, can you guarantee funnel results,

Do you ever guarantee results to customers when you build a marketing funnel for them?

By Mike Killen / January 31, 2019

No, I don’t guarantee results This is one of the most common questions I hear when I talk about pricing and building marketing funnels. In this post I want to explain my process for guaranteeing results, when I work with customers. What I do guarantee, what I don’t guarantee and why some customers might ask…

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too expensive objection, objection turning, too expensive isn't an objection

Too expensive isn’t an objection

By Mike Killen / September 21, 2018

When a customer says to you that’s too expensive, or I can’t afford that, did you know that’s not an objection? In this blog post I want to tell you how to react, when a customer says that’s too expensive or they can’t afford it and why it’s not an objection. The problem is that…

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price per hour, what to charge per hour, funnel business price, what to charge for a funnel, sell a marketing funnel

Funnel builders! Stop charging per hour (because it’s killing your funnel business)

By Mike Killen / June 14, 2018

Marketing funnel businesses need to stop charging per hour, because it’s killing your business.

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marketing funnel pricing, marketing funnel revenue split, wordpress marketing funnel, marketing funnel sales

Should you sell a funnel for commission or revenue split?

By Mike Killen / December 7, 2017

If a customer offered you a 20% commission on all sales of their product, sold through a funnel that you build, should you work with that customer? Commission or revenue share models are a great way to price your business and we’ve had a lot of success with them at our agency, MeBox. However, we’ve…

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thug marketing language bullshit, marketing bullshit statements

Thug marketing language is the 2010’s equivalent of corporate jargon- stop using it

By Mike Killen / November 30, 2017

I love swearing as much as the next bloke. Just read any of my blog posts and it’s pretty likely that at some point I’ve cussed in the writing. Something I’m seeing more and more of however, is “thug marketing”. “We make great shit to help you sell more shit” Tell me you haven’t seen…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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