$10k marketing funnel, marketing funnel project, marketing funnel sales, sell marketing funnels

Here’s the biggest reason that people CAN’T spend $10k on your funnels

By Mike Killen / November 2, 2017

If you can’t help someone find $10 000, then you don’t deserve $10 000. Simple as that. If you’ve ever read an email where a customer says they can’t afford the $10 000 price tag, there’s one reason it’s true. You’re incapable of finding the $10 000 for your customer. I’m going to show you…

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marketing funnel budget, roi

How to help customers see a budget from YOUR perspective (real customer transcript)

By Mike Killen / October 25, 2017

Originally the title for this post was “how I magically created a 99000% ROI ($2.5 million) from a $2500 spend. That title is absolutely clickbait and was supposed to be a clever response to a particular customer I was thinking about. This instead, is a transcript (edited) of a conversation I had with a customer…

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marketing funnel budget, ask for a budget, marketing project budget

How to successfully ask a customer what their marketing funnel budget is confidently and without being rude

By Mike Killen / October 12, 2017

If you’ve ever needed to ask for a marketing funnel budget, I’m going to show you how to successfully ask for a marketing funnel budget confidently, successfully and without appearing rude. This is also a guide on how to get over customers not wanting to answer your budget question. Three of the most common scenarios…

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meeting control marketing funnel coaching

If you feel you’re losing control of a meeting, here’s how to fix it.

By Mike Killen / August 3, 2017

Have you ever felt a meeting get away from you? You’re sat with a couple of prospects and they start talking about all the things they want to do. You wanted to run a discovery meeting or pitch a solution to them. Before you know it, the meeting has gone off track. They’re talking a…

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clarity business life information overload

You don’t need more information, tactics or strategies, you need clarity.

By Mike Killen / July 31, 2017

“We don’t live in the information era, we live in the insight era” Information is highly overrated. I remember my college IT lecturer talking through what data, information, insight and clarity are. Data is unstructured numbers, text and content. It’s “stuff” without form. A spreadsheet with 200 entries is data. The columns give a little…

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cold calling email buying data

Is an email address a lead?

By Mike Killen / July 25, 2017

“Right, let’s be really clear Mike. We need to call these subscribers. They’re email addresses in a database, not a lead.” “OK, so what would you qualify a lead as?” Jim was a slightly short, blonde sales manager. He was a pretty good salesperson (i.e. he would be above his number on average days) and…

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10 reasons marketing funnels don't work

10 reasons why your customer’s marketing funnel isn’t working

By Mike Killen / July 21, 2017

Nothing is more depressing than when your customer’s marketing funnel isn’t getting them results. But it happens. If your customers don’t get the results they’re expecting, you look bad. If they don’t succeed, you don’t succeed. Recently we had an audit of a few customer sites to explore why they weren’t getting the traction we…

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close objection handling funnel

How to turn any objection for a funnel sale, into a close

By Mike Killen / July 6, 2017

An objection is when a customer or prospect turns to you and says “that’s too expensive” or “I’m OK with how we are”. It’s seemingly negative feedback for what you’re talking to them about. Objections are terrifying and the reason we shut down when we hear them, is because we hear the customer saying “NO”.…

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find the perfect funnel customer qualification

What does the perfect funnel client look like?

By Mike Killen / June 23, 2017

I’m going to tell you how to find the perfect customers, target them and make sure you only speak to customers that you can help. I’m also going to share our customer qualifier questions for our marketing funnel customers. There’s no doubt that every business in the world can benefit from marketing funnels. However, there…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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