Use this email template to raise your prices (and keep your customers)

By Mike Killen / January 10, 2020

Use this email template to increase your prices by 20% and keep your customers happy

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How I build sales email campaigns

By Mike Killen / August 9, 2019

In this post I’m going to outline how I build a 12 part email sales campaign. We’ve used this format to launch software, localisation services, courses, digital products, consulting, coaching and more. The price is irrelevant when sending these kinds of emails, as is the call to action. If you want someone to meet you…

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marketing funnels, funnel builder, sell marketing funnels, mike killen funnels

If you think you’re missing sales – it’s because you’re forgetting these emails

By Mike Killen / April 26, 2018

Have you ever felt that you’re missing out on sales? Like there’s money left somewhere? Have your customers ever felt that they’re leaving money on the table, but they can’t find where it is? We’re going to attract the money and sales that you and your customers deserve. The good news? It’s easier than you…

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4 tools (plus 1 killer underground tool) we use to increase our email list subscribers for customers

By Mike Killen / October 13, 2017

Increasing email subscribers for our customers, is our agency’s bread and butter. It’s one of the most commonly viewed metrics, and is often determined as a success metric. Increasing email address subscribers, to a customer’s email list, can have a massive impact on their business and of course yours. These are the 4 tools (plus…

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email marketing, how many emails should you send

How many emails should you send a week?

By Mike Killen / October 6, 2017

How many emails should you send a week? If you send newsletters, automation emails, sales emails and any other type of email campaign to your customers, or for your customers. How many emails should you be sending a week? Email spam is a massive problem in the online business and Internet marketing space. With the…

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8 product launch email templates

By Mike Killen / October 3, 2017

We recently helped with the emails for an online digital product, which used a competition to drive sign ups. The product went viral and although it wasn’t ours, we did provide the email templates to launch the business. If you or your customers have to launch an online digital product such as PSD templates, themes,…

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free resources for building marketing funnels

The 6 best resources for building the perfect marketing funnel (and they’re free)

By Mike Killen / September 29, 2017

I have a habit of referring to the same guides, experts and resources over and over in order to build marketing funnels for myself and my customers. If you want to build marketing funnels for yourself and for your customers that convert, attract traffic and generate sales then these are the seven resources that I…

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write the perfect sales email campaign

How to write the perfect email sales campaign

By Mike Killen / May 19, 2017

I’m going to show you how we write all our email campaigns. For every email we send, we run through this process before writing the emails. This way we make sure we maximise our conversions, open rates and click through rates. You can use this process for your customers, or your own email campaigns. The…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

Use our most popular free tool for calculating the exact price you should be charging for your marketing funnels