marketing funnel niche create a niche

Create a niche out of a piece of paper

By Mike Killen / July 19, 2019

We’re going to create a niche out of thin air. And the biggest problem with that is our traditional thinking around what a niche is. Your niche, for your marketing funnel business, isn’t just something you go after and sell products to. It’s what you become. YOU need to become your niche. It’s an unintuitive and…

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marketing funnel niche

Who benefits from working with you? Choosing a niche

By Mike Killen / July 11, 2019

There are degrees of effectiveness with a niche. Starting at the bottom, the least effective definition of a niche is telling people what you do in a broad sense. This is typically when you tell people that you run a marketing business, or a marketing funnel agency. The next level, which while being slightly more…

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Niche’s aren’t profitable

By Mike Killen / June 27, 2019

I want to talk about why your niche won’t be profitable. As we’ve talked about already, there is an idea that you’ll discover this magical tribe of people with cash in their pockets, desperate to buy from you. As if a niche is something that’s waiting to be discovered. And as you’ve seen, you don’t…

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marketing funnel expert, marketing funnel, sell a marketing funnel, expert marketing funnel

How to justify yourself as an expert

By Mike Killen / May 30, 2019

Imagine you’re on stage speaking, or you’re at a networking event surrounded by loads of prospects. Or maybe you’re with a customer and you start talking them through a process that you’re supposed to be an expert in. And someone stops you, stands up points at you and says, “you don’t really know what you’re…

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marketing funnel recurring revenue

FAQ: Recurring income with funnels

By Mike Killen / May 23, 2019

This is an edited and anonymous email from A. who reached out to me asking for advice on recurring revenue. It’s a very common question that I’m asked a lot, so I figured I’d publish the question and answer. Mike, I understand that in this day and age, online offers a much better chance for…

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niche marketing, niche marketing funnel, marketing funnel niche

Why you’re afraid to niche down

By Mike Killen / November 30, 2018

Niching down is a bit like content. Everyone preaches about why we should do it. Yet when it comes to ourselves, we have a problem where we’re biased to our own reasons as to why we can’t do it. We’ve got some free training here on how to discover a profitable niche for your funnel…

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marketing funnel business, run a business, start a marketing funnel business, start a business, marketing funnels

How to run a profitable, successful marketing funnel business in 2019

By Mike Killen / October 25, 2018

Generate more income and attract more clients In this blog post we’re going to learn how to generate more income and attract more clients to your marketing funnel business. Imagine being able to reduce the number of hours per week that you work, while also being able to generate income if you went away on…

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The massive untapped market for funnel builders

By Mike Killen / July 26, 2018

As funnel builders we are always looking for new customers and projects. In this post I want to demonstrate a massively untapped market, which is growing every day, and very few funnel builders seem to be exploiting.

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marketing funnel customers, sell marketing funnels, find marketing funnel clients

If you’re struggling to get referrals or find customers, it’s because you’re ignoring this mistake (includes email template)

By Mike Killen / December 21, 2017

If you’re struggling to find more customers and sell funnels to clients, then I’m going to show you one of the most glaring mistakes funnel business and agencies make. Apart from you, who else knows who you work with? Apart from yourself, who else in your network including your customers, colleagues, friends, connections and followers…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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