Fear of judgement from others

By Mike Killen / July 12, 2024

Do you live with a fear of being judged? We all do, in truth. And it’s the single biggest thing holding you back. I’m currently reading “Tough Broad” by Caroline Paul and aside from being brilliantly well written and very funny, it’s extremely poignant and moving. A recurring theme that comes up again and again…

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My secret client…secret

By Mike Killen / July 11, 2024

Have you ever felt like you’re shouting into the void, trying to expand your audience, but nothing seems to click? I’ve been there.  For a long time, I struggled to make my voice heard, to broaden my reach.  Then, I stumbled upon something incredibly simple, yet transformative. Let me share a quick story. There was…

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Get 10,000 views for free, every week

By Mike Killen / July 10, 2024

Sometimes it might feel like you’re facing an insurmountable challenge. Like the goal you’ve got in mind is just TOO massive or difficult to conquer. I know how you feel. And it’s disheartening to constantly feel like you’re never quite there. Maybe you feel like you’re a million miles away. Or maybe it feels just…

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10 lessons I learned shutting the business down

By Mike Killen / July 8, 2024
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Productivity Is a Myth and I Can Prove It

By Mike Killen / July 5, 2024

So, a buddy of mine wants to know my “productivity secrets.” Listen up: Productivity is a damn lie. It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing LESS. My one job? Content. That’s it. Everything else—yeah, even replying to your emails—goes on my “stop list.” Updating the website? Stop list. Basically, if it ain’t content, I’m…

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Peace is wealth

By Mike Killen / July 3, 2024

Let’s clear the air right now: I don’t want to be famous. No, I’m not dreaming of rolling in a Bentley, living in a mansion, or flying in private jets. Here’s my dream: A calm, simple life with absolutely zero drama. Sounds too humble? Let me paint you a picture. Imagine feeling a little stressed…

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I was ashamed to admit this

By Mike Killen / July 2, 2024

Here’s a snapshot from a not-so-proud moment of mine. I was in a terrible mood. Olivia caught me snapping over trivial stuff. It got to a point where she had to intervene. “Why so edgy?” she inquired. Like many, my reflex response was “nothing”. But Olivia wasn’t having it. She handed me a notepad, “Pour…

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Stop giving me advice about cancer

By Mike Killen / July 1, 2024

You’re killing your credibility when you talk about things outside your wheelhouse. Here’s how to fix it. Bear with me on this one, because it delves into prejudice, assumptions and judgement. All of which are things we like to think that we’re above. So I was at a networking event a little while back and…

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Grateful Dead or sick partner?

By Mike Killen / June 4, 2024

We all struggle with decision-making. Especially when it comes to those big, life-altering choices. But I have a method. And it revolves around understanding your values. Let me tell you a story. A while back, I had an opportunity to get last-minute tickets to see The Foo Fighters. Sounds great, right? But there was a…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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