niche marketing, niche marketing funnel, marketing funnel niche

Why you’re afraid to niche down

By Mike Killen / November 30, 2018

Niching down is a bit like content. Everyone preaches about why we should do it. Yet when it comes to ourselves, we have a problem where we’re biased to our own reasons as to why we can’t do it. We’ve got some free training here on how to discover a profitable niche for your funnel…

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writing goals, completing goals, I never seem to reach my goals

Why your goals don’t seem to get completed (and how to do it properly)

By Mike Killen / May 31, 2018

Spring cleaning goals Have you ever felt that you rewrite a series of goals every few months? Only to find the notebook, workbook or piece of paper that you wrote them on, and realise you haven’t read it in six months. This is a very common phenomena around this time of year. People during their…

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wordcamp london 2018, things you have to do after wordcamp, after wordcamp

7 things you need to do the DAY after visiting a WordCamp

By Mike Killen / April 16, 2018

You’ve just come back from a WordCamp. You’ve got your swag, your notebook is full and you met some amazing people (in person!). But now what? How can you capitalise on all that energy and good will? Follow this list and you’ll 10X your WordCamps. 1. Book that call If you’ve attended a WordCamp (or…

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2018 goals, $1 million goal, financial goals, how to write goals

Reaching $1million in 2018 – how I’m going to do it. 2018 goals.

By Mike Killen / December 19, 2017

Recently a colleague of mine, Cam, who I run the Go For Growth podcast with. Introduced me to Stefan James of Project Life Mastery. One of James’ most popular blog post types, is his goals and accountability posts. So in this post, I’m going to explore the goals that I have for 2018, including paying…

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productivity calendar schedule, productivity schedule

[SNEAK PEAK] Read my entire week’s schedule to see how I plan my weeks (unedited)

By Mike Killen / November 27, 2017

I’ve talked before about being a huge fan of planning, time blocks and deep work. I see it less about time management and more about priority optimisation. I’ve spoken before about planning out your month, your week and your customer blocks. But today, I’m going to literally share with you my week’s schedule, how I…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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