Time is Money? Nah, Value is Money. 

By Mike Killen / January 15, 2024

In 2014, I was in a rut—burned out, overworked, and underpaid. I kept hustling, adding more hours, but my revenue was stuck, and I was exhausted. Then came the game-changing insight: I was valuing my time, not my expertise. I decided it was time for a major pivot. I began to focus solely on businesses…

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I’m furious it costs this much to live

By Mike Killen / December 7, 2023

Let’s get into it. The average business owner needs about $3000 a month just to keep the lights on. But that’s just survival, not flourishing. Here’s a question. Are you making enough to cover everything it takes to survive and run a business? Rent, food, bills, kids, savings, taxes, and, oh, paying a team. That’s…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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