But what type of emails should my WordPress business send? Part 2

***Side note: This blog post started off as a regular old post, but eventually turned into a behemoth of a guide so I’ve split it into 3 parts.  This is the first part and parts 2 and 3 will come in the next 2 weeks.  Enjoy!***

You can read part 1 here, where we go over the application you use to send emails, the goal of email marketing, the goal of each email and the types of email we’re going to send.

This week, we’re going to cover:

  • The basic process for sending emails to new subscribers
  • The different types of emails for leads, subscribers and customers
  • How to build authority and trust with subscribers so they want to buy from you
  • segmentation email that will both sell to and segment your list

The basic process.

So let’s break down the basic process, for the emails that you’re going to send, from your WordPress business.


Nothing says ‘cutting edge email marketing automation’ like pen and paper

It’s more simple than you think.  Once you’ve got a new subscriber, send them a few emails that build your authority.  4-5 valuable emails that put YOU as the guru to their problems.

Then, after they’ve expressed some more interest or even just after the authority emails, send them some emails that build desire.  Emails that are designed to make your solutions perfect for their problems.

Authority emails

First, deliver the result that they were expecting.  Execute on the promise you made and deliver exactly what they signed up for.  However you’ve got their email (newsletter sign up, lead magnet, Light Bulb Moment etc.), you need to reward the risk that they took with some cool content.

Your first email doesn’t need to be long or complicated.  Just give them what they expect.  We call this a content delivery email.

Second, start to ramp up the value with value stack emails. Based off what they’ve already downloaded, find some content (yours, or someone else’s) and send that to them.  Propose it like “hey if you liked X, then you’ll love Y”.

For example, “hey if you liked my SEO cheatsheet, you’re going to love my social media checklist”.  All we’re doing is showing them that we’re valuable and we’re not a one-trick pony.

Third, deliver them another value stack email based around other and similar results.  What I mean by this is send them some content that focuses on the subject of results.  Specifically, results that your readers want.  This might sound obvious but it’s a simple thing to get wrong.  All you need to do is think about the RESULT that your subscribers want.  Maybe it’s something that your initial Light Bulb Moment or Lead Magnet delivered.  E.g. more traffic from Google or more followers on Twitter.

Take that result and show them ANOTHER way of getting the same result.  It could be a video, blog post, checklist.  Whatever helps them get the same result as the FIRST delivered email.

Fourth, you need to send some kind of social proof.  Social proof is simply proof or evidence, outside of what YOU say, that proves you know what you’re talking about.

For example…

The number might be less now, but you get the point

Social proof could be testimonials, evidence that other people do something, statistics or numbers showing people doing or buying something.  It’s something that as human beings, we crave.  We like to be part of a tribe and we want to belong.  If a group of our peers has done something, then it makes that decision easier.  Reviews on Amazon – those are social proof.

But Mike, I don’t have any customers, testimonials or proof 🙁

I get it, you’re starting out.  I’ve got 2 pieces of advice. 1, get a customer.  It’s not that hard.  Get a customer for a product, no matter how small, and get a testimonial from them. 2, find proof that groups of people are doing SOMETHING.  I know that 10 million people use Hootsuite.  10 million.  That’s 10 million people who trust a social media app to manage and organise thier social media.

That means that people WANT to have their social media managed, and you could be just the person to do it.

Fifth.  Start to use segmentation emails to qualify and filter out potential leads.  Segmentation is where you make people fall into one of 3 categories.

  1. Interested in buying a product from you
  2. Interested in a certain action, result or tool
  3. Not interested in either spending money or the next step

Now ideally we want people to fall into either buying a product or a certain action/tool.  They can absolutely fall into both.  People who aren’t ready to buy (or never will be) are left for the time being.

People who aren’t interested at the moment are kept on your list.  They’re sent regular newsletters and occasional promotion and sales emails.

Those who demonstrate interest in either buying from you or in a certain action/result are sent the next set of emails – desire emails.

How do we write a segmentation emails? Easy peasy.  It’s basically a soft touch sales email.  Take a look at the example below (feel free to use it yourself).

Subject: Google might be forcing you to lose traffic

Hey [fname]

In 2016, Google is making some MAJOR changes to how it ranks websites.

Basic mistakes and errors are causing well ranked websites to drop rankings and lose traffic.

It does however provide your website with a couple of opportunities.

First, you can protect your site from Google’s changes and make sure that you climb higher than your competition.

Second, you can work at your site and take the ranking places that are being left wide open on Google’s pages.

How can you take advatage where others are failing?  Well I’ve written a comprehensive guide on protecting your website and climbing Google’s rankings in 2016.

You can take a look here to see what’s in the guide.

I’m going to cover-

  • How to find opportunities to rank your site
  • Increase the ammount of visits and clicks you get from Google
  • See where your competiton are
  • The 5 100% must have features for your website to even START ranking
  • How to climb Google’s ranks every day

Click here to read the guide and see what I’m offering.


If you ever complain that you can’t write emails, I’ve given you one here that acts as a basic sales template.

Here’s how this works.  As a basic sales email, it gets people’s attention and makes them decide if they want to click or not.  What we’re trying to gauge is people’s interest in your products.

If people click they’ll land on a sales page and either buy or not.  If they buy – great, job done.

If they don’t buy, but they DO click, that’s a great sign that you need to overcome a few objections.  That’s when we start sending DESIRE emails.

In summary

You need to build authority and trust with your subscribers before you start selling to them.  Use this series to make sure that happens.

If you liked this, remember you can get free email copy, every 7 days delivered straight to your inbox.  It’s all white labelled and you can use it in your email marketing and marketing automation.  Click here to sign up and get your first email today.

Remember to check back next week when we cover off the final topic – desire emails that sell to your list.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.